Port Authority shuts down school choir singing national anthem at 9/11 Memorial

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May 6, 2016- Only the Port Authority can pull off something this stupid

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2 Responses to Port Authority shuts down school choir singing national anthem at 9/11 Memorial

  1. chessie says:

    What’s more disturbing is the next day they had a rock band with stage and microphones playing really loud music a few steps away from the same south reflecting pool, complete with vendors selling hot dogs, typical street fair stuff, right on Greenwich, right on the 9/11 grounds

    The food messenger bikes now routinely use the WTC center site as a bike path zooming fast right next to the reflecting pool path

    …..and these little kids can’t sing the national anthem?! ….disgraceful

  2. mpbraverman says:

    One day later, stopping the students was acknowledged as a mistake. General rule is no “demonstrations” or public performances.

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