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March 1, 2014- By Steven E. Greer, MD
A local blog reports, “The announcement followed reports at the meeting by several Downtown school principals that kindergarten registration was higher this year than last, foretelling even longer wait lists at those schools, though the numbers are far from final.
The most severe shortage of seats is at P.S. 276 in lower Battery Park City, where principal Terri Ruyter said that 157 children in the school’s zone are applying for 100 seats. With 37 of those children guaranteed seats because they are siblings of current students, about half of the remaining children would be left without seats.
Nancy Harris, principal of P.S. 397, the Spruce Street School, said she will have a wait list for the first time. With zoned siblings taking up 26 of the available 75 seats, based on current registration figures, there will be 63 children in line for the other 49 seats.
Eighty-six zoned children registered for the 50 kindergarten seats at the Peck Slip School—now temporarily housed in Tweed Courthouse—that is opening in its permanent home in 2015. Last year, 60 had applied.”
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