This post has been read 2409 times!
For the month of August, 2012, BatteryPark.TV received:
6,656 unique views and
10,000 total views
With most people on vacation, it is interesting that viewership did not dip appreciably. The entire population of Battery Park City is approximately 11,000 according to the census. Therefore, we are reaching a significant portion of our target region. BP.TV has made no effort to advertise or promote the site other than a small 250-person email list.
If you support our grass roots efforts, please support us by telling your friends and posting our stories on your Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.
It is good to see some balanced reporting in Battery Park City. The stories covered reflect the larger community rather than the special interest groups. Today, Battery Park City is organized by Building. One wonders if there is merit to form a Battery Park City Resident’s Association which represents the interest of all buildings rather separate interest groups or buildings..
Bptv has been a great attribute to the area. A big thank you for the information truly benefits all.
Glad to see community involvement , it took 25+ to create momentum.
Bptv is there to help!!!
Keep it up, just look around at the changes.