Rep. Nadler reaches out to Coast Guard about ferry boat noise

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February 4, 2014- By Steven E. Greer, MD

At the Battery Park City subcommittee of the CB1 tonight, at the very end, the most important news of the entire meetings was whispered out by George Calderaro. BatteryPark.TV asked him to repeat it more loudly.

The CB1 claims that U.S. House of Representatives member Jerrold Nadler has written to the Captain of the Port of New York Harbor, Gordon Loebl of the U.S. Coast Guard, to find a common sense solution to the ferry boat horn nuisance. This is a crucial development.

Previously, other attempts at communicating with the Coast Guard have resulted in reply letters stating that the maritime law could not be altered. BatteryPark.TV then notified Mr. Nadler directly, during the September 24th, 2013, CB1 meeting held at the Jewish Memorial. At the October 22nd CB1 meeting, Rep. Nadler’s staffer spoke out in public about the ferry boat problem. Mr. Nadler seems to be keeping his promise to try to help.

Recall, last year an obscure law was suddenly enforced requiring the hundreds of ferry boats per day traversing the Hudson River to honk their loud horns thrice before docking at the Vesey Street slip. After BP.TV reported, the story was covered by The New Yorker magazine and New York Times.

New Yorker Magazine covers our story on kayak activists

New York Times covers our story on kayak activists

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4 Responses to Rep. Nadler reaches out to Coast Guard about ferry boat noise

  1. Fran says:

    thank god

    The noise starts at 609 am…………………thx

  2. Tom says:

    Hopefully this gets resolved soon. Many of the detractors don’t understand how much of an issue this really is. I don’t think the Coast Guard captain’s comparison of this situation to a Chinese laundromat is a valid comparison either. I lived in NYU dorms for 4 years with parties going on every night, lived next to a fire house in midtown for another 4 years, and nothing I’ve experienced in the city, except for maybe jack hammering done for new construction, really compares to the decibel levels generated by the ferries every morning. A better comparison would be an alarm clock going off next to your head every two minutes with no way to turn it off.

  3. Fran says:

    dear steve…i have written to all the concerned parties regarding the ferry noise….to no avail….can somebody answer the questions as to why at 609 am the ferry toots the horn four times and this goes on till 830…after that i guess they forget and nobody bothers tooting the horn..i understand the maritime law and see that some adhere to it and others do not…..being we are in a residential neighborhood and the kayakers are not around possibly it can be lowered so that everyone is not up at 609 am every day…this sucks…thanks fran

  4. Jimmy Mac says:

    Maritime law also makes the Sherman Zwicker bar illegal.

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