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August 22, 2022- by Steven E. Greer
The Game of Thrones prequel, House of Dragon, debuted last night and might be a surprise hit. Most people had low expectations due to the woke nature of shows coming out from Hollywood these days. Recall, a different attempt at a prequel was canceled by HBO after the pilot was filmed. It was super woke, I read, and was not based on any of the books by George R.R. Martin. After having a hand at killing that beast, Martin insisted on being the creative director of House of Dragon.
The original TV creators of Game of Thrones, David Benioff and D. B. Weiss, are not part of this prequel. Many blamed them for the lame scripts of the last two or three seasons as the plots drifted from the books.
Also, it looks like HBO is pushing back against the communist agenda to divide the nation using transgender attacks on norms. There were a couple of scenes in the debut that mocked the idea that people could identify as any sex they wanted. Other than the racial diversity police, I did not see the usual obnoxious wokeness communist agenda that has caused people to cancel their subscription to HBO, Netflix, etc.
The casting was consistent with the original Game of Thrones. They are unknown actors that seem to fit the roles well. The rest of the production quality was as good as the original as well.
There is a huge demand for TV content. We have been deprived of it for almost a decade, ever since #MeToo broke out in 2015. Studios are feeling the pain in their share prices and revenue. HBO is now owned by Warner Bros. Discovery and the CEO seems to be less a hostage of the WEF than AT&T was. Maybe they can create another hit.
Update September 4, 2022- I spoke too soon. The third episode was boring and woke. Someone on Twitter compared Rhaenyra Targaryen to a little Hillary Clinton.
Update September 19, 2022- I’ve decided that I’m not going to watchHouse of Dragon any more. I have good memories in my brain of Game of Thrones and I am not going to spoil them with this abomination of woke garbage.