Review: Showtime’s new TV drama “Billions”

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August 14, 2015- By Steven E. Greer

I almost started this post by writing, “They finally made a movie about my life”, but then I realized that several others have already been made, such as Wolf of Wall Street, Margin Call, and The Wall. However, Showtime’s new TV drama to come out in January called “Billions” really is, literally, based on experiences from my life.

It is about the pursuit of hedge fund billionaire Steve Cohen by U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara. I worked for Cohen and know most of the junior people who have been prosecuted.


I am saddened that the producers did not contact me to be a writer.

Below, is a video of me on Fox being the first to tell the world that Preet Bharara was coming after Steve Cohen.

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