Review: The ugliest BPC Christmas tree ever

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ugly Christmas tree of 2015December 3, 2015- by Steven E. Greer

I attended the annual BPC Christmas tree lighting at South Cove, and the entire event was different in the wake of the firing of parks leader Tessa Huxley. It was moved closer to the actual tree on the south side of the cove.

When Santa counted down and the lights turned on, the crowd was disappointed. The wrong tree was strung with lights. They lit the end tree, which is straggly, rather than the middle tree.

Then, the BPCA President Shari Hyman decided to go with an ultra-secular all-white-lights design, which looks hideous.

The BPC Parks Conservancy continues to show signs of a vacuum of leadership. The electric carts are being driven dangerously on the sidewalks, running over kids. The events are being botched, such as this tree lighting. How bad will it get?

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