100% of survey responders want Gristedes replaced

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July 8, 2013- The results of our small unscientific survey are in, and 100% of the responders want Gristedes to be ousted and replaced by a new operator. Those are approval ratings worse than what congress has.

In the comments sections, 44% want Trader Joes to come in, 22% want Westside Market, 22% want Fairway, and 11% want Whole Foods to replace Gristedes.

Gristedes survey

July 7, 2013- We recently encountered some frozen produce at the West Thames Gristedes that was completely thawed. The manager seemed to to think it was OK to leave the food and not immediately toss it out. What bad (or good) experiences have you witnessed at Gristedes? Post your comments below.

Also, would you like to see Gristedes replaced by a new operator?

Take our survey here.

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22 Responses to 100% of survey responders want Gristedes replaced

  1. Survey comment 2 says:

    Pretty much anything else. I’d love a Fairway or Trader Joe’s, but at this point I’d settle for a Stop N Shop

  2. Survey comment 1 says:

    Any store that would create some competition and wxoand our purchase options. And, would hire staff that isn’t surly.

  3. Sparky says:

    The two Battery Park City Gristede’s are amongst the most expensive stores in Manhattan with limited selection. Clearly some competitiion is needed.

  4. Pao says:

    I’ve heard they shut their freezers off overnight.

  5. Sophie says:

    Both supermarkets are dirty, overpriced and very unappetizing. Battery Park City residents are at the mercy of Gristedes. .

  6. River Terrace Resident says:

    Whole foods is cheaper even if you pay to have delivery and they don’t sell expired products

  7. Anne says:

    Gristedes is filthy, especially the one further south on South End Ave. Produce is often moldy. Prices are obnoxiously high. I only shop there in emergencies. Even so, giving them my business is nauseating and makes me angry.
    Why hasn’t another grocery store tried to open down here??

  8. Survey comment says:

    Trader Joes would be such a nice addition to this neighborhood. If not TJ’s then a Fairway!

  9. Hy Yamuder says:

    Thank you for your email about a problem you found, we will address the issue this morning, and once again thank you for bringing it to our attention,

    Sincerely, Hy Yamuder

    Senior Executive Director of Operational Support Assistant to CEO/COO Gristedes Foods Inc.
    823 11th Avenue
    New York, N.Y. 10019

  10. MadamImAdam says:

    YES!!! Goodbye to Gristedes. They both are bad but the W.Thames Street store is truly appalling and should have been closed long ago. This location would be great for a Duane Reade.

    Now, the old Syms store on Trinity Place should become a Trader Joe’s (with wine shop). This site has a proper loading area on Greenwich Street; they could fit a large TJs store (a flagship perhaps?) on the ground level and basement, and can you imagine the upper two floors renovated with a Barnes and Noble, restaurants and glass walls?

  11. Survey response says:

    anyone that knows a grocery store should sell fresh produce not the crap gristedes has, have something other than the pathetic meat and seafood section they have, have staff that actually know what they are doing and cashires that act as if you annoying them by getting in their line. This is a sad excuse for a store and the guy that owns Gristedes wants to be Mayor? Imagine how inedible school lunches would be then.

  12. Survey response says:

    We also need a Duane Reade RX at West Thames Street and a Tribeca Hardware hardware store at Gateway.

  13. Editor says:

    The cleaners is leaving so maybe a hardware store can go in

  14. Liz says:

    Madam we are on the same wavelength, I too agree Syms would be large enough for a Trader Joe. You can email Trader Joe and suggest this idea. Trader Joe welcome ideas like this. I’ve emailed them about the Syms location. Everyone here on this site should email TJ. Gristedes has to go. It’s unsanitary and uninviting. Their prices are outrages because they have no competition.

  15. amy greenberg says:

    Why do we need a Duane Reade? Yuck. They are everywhere–and have awful customer service. An affordable hair salon for families, a mailboxes/copy place, or Boomerang Toys would be nice. No more cleaners, drugstores or banks (well Chase could use some competition)

  16. Karen says:

    Rumor. They plan to expand into the dry cleaners space. Remodel ahead?


  17. MadamImAdam says:

    ^Hy Yamuder is going to take care of the problem!!!

    Back to Trader Joe’s… locating a store in the old Sym’s site, they could take advantage of the proximity to the Battery Garage and offer a parking voucher for customers that come by car and spend xx$. I am sure this store would do very well.

  18. Caroline says:

    I find the recent manager ( i think he is) and some of the stockers to be a bit leering towards women.
    On the other hand, the check out clerks seem nicer
    The prices are insane especially after a trip back home to Chicago grocery store at new years. I actually think whole foods which is considered an expensive grocery store to be cheaper?
    The dunkin donuts and bakery section does smell yummy
    But I don’t go in there anymore as sexual harassment is not cute!

  19. Janet says:

    Why are there 2 Grestides in such close proximity anyway? Nasty and nasty does not make un-nasty! Prices are outrageous. Hate to patronize, but at times, Whole Foods is just too far for an older woman to “run” to. Any store would be a breath of fresh air! Literally!

  20. Editor says:


    100% of the people in our survey agree with you. You can help by emailing the BPCA and the State Agriculture dept. See our “Take Action” tab

  21. writer says:

    I would agree that gristedes needs to go out of business since the products are overpriced and the food is terrible.

  22. yzhou19 says:

    Can you find any worse grocery store in the city? I still remember how we were shocked the first time we shopped at Gristedes when moved down here from midtown 3 years ago.

    We thought Morton-Williams had been subpar enough, Gristedes BPC however simply brings it to a low of low.

    Come on. With such a beautiful South Cove aside and the Esplanade passing by, why can’t we also have a decant grocery store?

    I truly believe anyone else could do better, and improve our well-being substantially.

    Trader Joe’s, WFM, Fairway, MW, …, you name it.

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