South End Ave sidewalk to be cleaned up

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January 2, 2013 By Steven E. Greer, MD

The strip of sidewalk in front of the Gristedes, Chase bank, Black Hounds, SouthWestNY, the pharmacy, Picasso Pizza, and other shops along South End Avenue within the LeFrak commercial locations will be undergoing a community effort to clean it all up. Ignored and tolerated for decades, new upscale restaurants like Abraham Merchant’s SouthWestNY and Black Hounds is bringing attention to the dog filth and trash.

Already, the unsightly graffiti-ridden large transport truck owned by the fruit shack company, which was parked 24/7 in front of Black Hounds, has been removed, along with the code-violating sprawling fruit shack (For now. They tend to come back). Unsightly phone booth advertisements for a strip club were also removed after BP.TV reported.

fruit truck illegally parked

The dog sewer problem dealt with last year farther north by the Gateway Plaza entrance will be addressed by hooking up the hose plumbing and allowing for sidewalk washing for the first time. Also, the thoroughfare within Gateway Plaza is now opened up after 10 months of construction, so dog owners can directly access the esplanade and dog run without resorting to the South End Avenue route.

The BPCA might fund for major sidewalk repairs, and removal of ancient gum stains. Problems of trash piling up in front of Gristedes will also be addressed.

One step at a time,  BatteryPark.TV will help revitalize the southern portion of BPC in 2013 just as we helped transform the northern half on North End Avenue and Murray Streets. Success will depend on the cooperation of dog owners, private business owners, LeFrak, and the BPCA.

Southwest exterior day

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