Exclusive: The BPCA gives the PEP a $1.5 Million raise, renews contract, all with no public comment

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November 6, 2011

By Steven Greer, MD

On Sept 13th, the BPCA board met and approved a renewal of the contract with the City of New York to provide Park Enforcement Patrol (PEPs) officers for Battery Park City. Despite the controversy this winter with the beating of a local resident walking his dog and other complaints, the BPCA did not seek any public comment before making this decision. In fact, the city contract was renewed and the PEP received a collective pay raise of $1.5 Million.

In fairness to the current PEP crew, many of the worst officers were removed from BPC. Also, the willingness of the PEP to respond to calls has increased. (However, one wonders if the new and improved PEP performance will last now that this contract issue is resolved.)

The new contract will pay $2.7 Million per year for approximately 32 PEP officers, or $83,000 with benefits and pension per PEP. That is not bad in a depression with 20% unemployment in the region and huge city and state budget deficits. It reminds one of bankrupt Greece and their public employees.

The BPCA is scheduled to make the announcement of the PEP contract renewal sometime this month at the new school on Battery Place. To see what transpired at the board meeting behind closed doors, view this video.

The full video of the meeting can be found here.


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2 Responses to Exclusive: The BPCA gives the PEP a $1.5 Million raise, renews contract, all with no public comment

  1. Steven says:

    Why would they ever oppose anything? They are not residents and couldnt give a toot. The residents funds are played with by a board that has absolutely no desire to benefit the community. SUch a disgrace.

    And once AGAIN BPTV is totally on top of it in the battery park area, the community appreciates it!!

  2. stacie lane says:

    I’m sure the officers don’t even see that money, no where close to it, and it’s sad

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