The medical consequences of ferry boat diesel exhaust pollution to children’s lungs

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Update November 12, 2018- Netflix has a series called Dirty Money. Episode 1 was about the Volkswagen diesel engine emissions scandal where the company rigged their engines to cheat during state emission lab tests.

VW claimed to have the first “clean diesel engine”. In reality, the millions of VWs were belching highly toxic NO2, better known as “NOX”

The film explains how NOX is very harmful to lungs, causing asthma and early death. Those NY waterway ferry boats belch NOX.

Update May 4, 2016- As we first reported five-years ago, the city now confirms with its own study that diesel-powered ferry boats increase pollution at the docking sites “significantly”.

October 1, 2011- The Community Board 1, BPC division, will meet tonight to discuss the problem of diesel exhaust pollution damaging the eyes and lungs of nearby children in the parks by the Vesey Street ferry boat slip. Members of Rep. Nadler and Senators Schumer’s and Gillibrand’s staff have been invited.

In this video, the Chairman of Preventive Medicine at USC, who recently authored a paper in the New England Journal of Medicine on pollution and the Clean Air Act, discusses how engine exhaust causes asthma, delays lung growth, and increases mortality.

CB1 update on NY Waterway ferry pollution/noise problems

Air pollution causes lung cancer, World Health Organization says

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Update: EPA’s response to our letter on NY Waterway ferry pollution

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Exclusive: NY State gives update on NY Waterway ferry boat engines

Polluting ferry boats to get new, less polluting, less noisy, engines

CB1 meeting discusses New York Waterway air pollution

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One Response to The medical consequences of ferry boat diesel exhaust pollution to children’s lungs

  1. L says:

    Good observations. I always enjoy the articles. Keep looking out for us! Not quite directly related… has anyone done any studies about the health consequences of children / toddlers in highly chlorinated swimming pools s.a. exist in so called green/sustainable Battery Park City?

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