The resilient Ruth of CB1

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CB1 9-2-2014September 3, 2014- By Steven Greer

Ruth Ohman, long-time member of the CB1, was not reappointed this June when the new crop of members was announced. Yet she is still serving on the BPC subcommittee of the CB1 and voting as usual. How?

District Manger of the CB1 Noah Pfefferblit explained, “Ruth is now one of our public members.”.

Also sitting on the BPC panel of board members, voting and acting as if she were on the CB1, is Justine Cuccia. She is a “public member” too.

Public members are meaningless titles and have no voting power. This author was invited to become one and turned it down. The CB1 should not allow “public members” to masquerade as real members.

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