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February 23, 2015- By Steven E. Greer
Last night was the 87th Academy Awards, otherwise know as the Oscars. The big winners surprised most people. The Oscars snubbed some important TriBeCans.
Tribeca’s own Harvey Weinstein and his film “The Imitation Game”, starring Benedict Cumberbatch, were supposed to produce the Best Actor, but were rejected in favor of longshot Eddie Redmayne. What the heck happened? Harvey has the Oscar machine perfected: create a period piece, with British actors, and a plot that shows underdogs in society in a good light, and he is supposed to win the Oscar.
And where was Tribeca’s Taylor Swift? How did she not manage to win something, or at least present an award?
Jon Stewart, also a Tribecan, was totally snubbed for his film Rosewater.
The world is changing. Chaos is spreading in the streets. Even Harvey Weinstein cannot engineer a win at the Oscars.
Hi Steve…
Not sure where Julia Moore lives here in NYC and Jon Stewart recently moved? Still in Tribeca??
Also on people who died the is year was Joan Rivers missing or was I getting a glass of water and missed it…
I know she was not in many movies but such a part of the pre-Oscar stuff for so many years??
Julianne Moore lives in Greenwich Village, but close enough.