TriBeCa’s Kitchen? I don’t think so.

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Tribecas KitchenDecember 17, 2014- By Steven E. Greer

I walked all the way to 200 Church Street to try out the new Tribeca’s Kitchen. I saw too many red flags and decided to walk out.

First, the place was almost empty. Secondly, the kitchen was hidden. Thirdly, the staff and menu were all of the same caliber as any of the numerous other crappy diners in the area.

This is just a diner, folks. Yet, they serve $20 entrees.

New Yorkers need to stop paying premium prices for crap food.

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2 Responses to TriBeCa’s Kitchen? I don’t think so.

  1. Chconkl says:

    Speaking of crap restaurants…have you been to Washington Market on Murray? Just awful. Will close soon.

  2. Editor says:

    I walked by it today.

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