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January 6, 2025- by Steven Greer
This era from 2020 to 2025 has been what I call “The Silent World War 3”. Few realize this because conventional weapons and warfare were not used, but more people were killed than any other war.
Tens of millions of people were killed by a weapon of mass destruction created by military programs. The SARS-CoV-2 “COVID-19” virus was man-made (i.e., the euphemism of “gain-of-function”) in bioweapons labs funded and staffed by the United States of America’s Deep State. These programs were highly illegal. Congress was either kept in the dark or blackmailed to do nothing about them.
When the COVID WMD escaped from the American lab in Wuhan China (Yes. There were U.S. military labs inside of our enemy, China, funded by the U.S.), then Asia became involved in The Silent World War 3. China lied and covered it up, allowing the pandemic to spread.
These bioweapon viruses are created simultaneously with “vaccines” designed to be a sort of antidote that will, theoretically, protect the country creating the bioweapon. The military knows that such an antidote will not be completely effective and huge numbers of people will be killed on both sides if the bioweapon is ever released. However, collateral damage is a normal part of military strategy. A few million dead here and a few million dead there does not matter.
The “vaccine” antidote in this case was more deadly than the actual virus. Using an untested and unsafe “modified messenger RNA” gene therapy, that was passed off as a “vaccine”, the antigen of the “vaccine” was the spike protein on the coat of the virus. However, as far back as 2005, researchers knew that inducing spike protein production inside of a human would be deadly. It produces heart inflammation and blood clotting. Regardless, the numbskulls running the military, and the NIH collaborating with the military, created a deadly vaccine that was forced upon billions of people. This killed another 17 million people.
To get the world to take such an unsafe and untested gene therapy, a massive and unprecedented propaganda campaign was unleashed. It was called “Warp Speed”, evoking the harmless and likable Star Trek show. It was a global military-spy complex effort with almost limitless funding. Tens of thousands of people working in government-funded NGO’s and university “institutes” captured all of legacy media (Only Elon Musk’s survived as a voice of truth), medicine, medical journal publishing, and the courts (from the Supreme Court on down). Warp Speed demonized inexpensive medications that were effective against the virus, such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. Depriving people of these drugs killed more people.
Since 2020 was an election year, this Marxist/Fascist coup, led by a cabal of evil people right out of a James Bond film, hijacked the pandemic responses to create the pretext for steps required to rig the election and prevent Donald Trump from continuing in his second term (e.g., the need for mail-in ballots and dropboxes). State health agencies violated basic epidemiology tenets by locking down entire populations rather than just the sick. Millions of small businesses were shuttered. Kids were kept home and deprived of education. Depression, alcoholism, and suicide spiked.
When it became obvious that the election was stolen, the cabal orchestrated a hoax on January 6, 2021. They lured thousands of innocent patriotic Americans into a trap at the National Mall and United States Capitol. Months afterwards, military fences around the Capitol kept the public away. Thousands of them have been prosecuted by a weaponized DOJ and convicted by crooked communist federal judges.
In Canada, after two years of oppressive lockdowns, truck drivers formed large caravans and surrounded the Canadian Parliament. Prime Minister Trudeau, a stooge of the cabal, then suspended their constitution. Canada fell to the Marxist/Fascist coup. Over the next three years, the oppression in Canada grew to Nazi Germany levels. Euthanasia of the elderly and sick was the infamous act of Hitler that led to the mass killings on the concentration camps. The Nuremberg trials hanged those responsible. Well, in Canada right now, mass euthanasia programs are sanctioned by the government.
In fact, this Silent War was instigated by a genuine Fourth Reich. Chrystia Freeland, the woman truly in charge of Canada, is the granddaughter of a Nazi who was part of the Third Reich. Canadian Parliament honored a 92 year-old Nazi with a standing ovation. Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum and leader of the global cabala, is the son of a Nazi. Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Commission, is a granddaughter of Nazis, etc.
Similar atrocities took place in New Zealand, United Kingdom, Germany, France, etc. All of the nations that we have thought of as our allies since World War II became our enemy. This cabal, over decades, had strategically placed useful idiots into leadership roles. The European Union, which now controls all of Europe, is mostly controlled by unelected WEF loyalists.
The cabal gained control of the United States by placing a mentally incompetent fake president, Joe Biden, into the White House, and then installing a cabinet of treasonists. At this time, it is still unclear exactly who is controlling the shots at the highest level of our government. It seems to be a combination of Israeli operatives and Chinese spies. The entire Biden family is thoroughly compromised by taking bribes from China for many years. Israel has control over the government through senior cabinet officials who are dual citizens with Israel.
Over the last four years, the United States of America has been controlled by foreign actors staging a coup inside of the White House. They did everything that one would imagine a foreign enemy would do to destroy the country.
The coup funded elaborate programs to import illegal aliens from South America, through Panama, and across the southern border. They were military aged men from all over the world, including China, Radical Islamic terrorists from the Middle East, and the most violent criminals from South America. The goal was to wreak havoc and violence inside of the country and destroy society.
George Soros controlled local politics in major cities and got radical prosecutors elected. Violent crime was no longer punished. Murderers and rapist were let out of jail immediately after arrest. Shoplifters could steal with impunity. Large organized riots took place in the summers of 2020 to 2024.
Propaganda campaigns promoted insanity within the educational system, the military, and corporate America, by promoting DEI and transgender brainwashing. Those programs successfully degraded the quality and competency of the military, universities, and courtrooms.
Massive multi-trillion-dollar spending programs were implemented. Those successfully destroyed the value of the dollar with massive inflation while putting the masses in poverty, unable to pay the rent or put food on the table.
Part of that spending was done under the guise of supporting Ukraine and its fight against the bogeyman, Vladimir Putin. An unknown amount of money has been printed by the Federal Reserve, funneled through Ukraine, and then money laundered back into the pockets of Western politicians.
Ukraine has been an exception to this mostly-silent war. Traditional hot warfare is taking place. Occasionally, other false-flag military attacks have occurred in the Middle East as well.
To further attack the United States economy, China sabotaged the supply chain of goods. From 2020 to approximately 2023, large container ships full of automobiles and raw goods were being held up at the ports in Shanghai, Los Angeles, etc. The communist-controlled union port workers were ordered to slow down on the job.
The Marxists/Fascist cabal mirrored previous communist revolutions by taking steps toward starving people and stealing farmland. Using the climate crisis hoax and contradicting basic science, they claimed that farmers were a threat to civilization because they somehow created greenhouse gases. Farmland was stolen in the Netherlands, the UK, and Ireland. There were efforts to demonize cows through propaganda campaigns. Senior cabal leader Bill Gates stated many times that trees are somehow bad for the environment. He advocated instead for man-made machines to collect carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, or to deforest the planet and replace them with wind turbines.
This was a silent war because even those who were impacted by the new warfare tactics did not realize that they were attacked. The propaganda campaign around the deadly bioweapons “vaccines” and the WMD virus was so effective that, to this day, very few realize the truth. The impact of inflation or society-changing DEI and illegal alien crime is something that is invisible in the moment. It takes decades of retrospection to appreciate. There was no war draft like Vietnam. U.S. soldiers were not used. Instead, secret military scientists and propaganda psy-op units of the Air Force were the agents of this modern war.
But like every communist revolution before it, this cabal overreached. They did not have the power that they thought they had. They miscalculated inside of their elitist bubbles isolated from reality. Elon Musk allowed free speech to survive by purchasing Twitter. The United States middle class and economy was far too strong for them.
In the end, the presidential election of 2024 could not be rigged like they did in 2020. President Trump was re-elected despite the cabal trying twice to assassinate him.
Today, President Trump was certified by the 119th Congress as the 47th President of the United States. Kamala Harris finalized the act. No Democrat made an effort to sabotage the proceeding. On the same day, cabal stooge Justin Trudeau resigned as Canada’s Prime Minister. Everyone knows that this coup has failed.
January 2025 is much like the last few weeks of the European front in World War II. The Nazis back then knew that they had lost the war and, because they were evil and insane, destroyed everything they could of their own Germany to prevent the victors from benefiting. Now, in their remaining weeks of power, the treasonists controlling the White House are doing everything they can to destroy the country. The coup released dozens of the most violent murderers on death row by commuting their sentences. It appears that they allowed China to fly sophisticated military drones over New Jersey, etc. for many weeks. Billions of new spending is being released to Ukraine and the Taliban in Afghanistan (the same Taliban that killed and maimed thousands of U.S. soldiers). Mysterious terrorist attacks took place in New Orleans in Las Vegas on New Year’s Day. Even the lawfare against Trump continues. Fake Judge Merchan in New York (He is not a real New York judge. He is an acting judge that the corrupt DOJ selected.) wants to sentence Trump next week.
It will take decades to recover from the damage done by this Marxist/Fascist coup. Nevertheless, it appears that we have survived The Silent World War III that people do not yet even realize took place.
I will never trust this government to tell the truth when I now know they have lied to me my whole life about everything!!! 70 years!!! Always check your own resources!!! Pay attention and learn to connect the dots and research everything!!!