Where was Martha Gallo?

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Martha Gallo BPCA 1-22-2015April 15, 2016- by Steven E. Greer

The last time the Martha Gallo appeared before an official BPCA event was in January at the board meeting. She was uncharacteristically rebellious, criticizing the BPCA. Since then, the BPCA has cancelled two monthly meetings.

On April 13th, the BPCA finally convened a monthly board meeting, and then a Town Hall meeting three hours later. Martha Gallo was not present for either one.

You can speculate as well as we can what this means. Has she mysteriously disappeared, never to be seen again, like all of the other board members to leave under the Mehiel administration?

Is Martha Gallo failing to provide oversight again?

BPCA’s Martha Gallo and her conflict of interest with AIG contracts

Did Martha Gallo stage a press conference during the BPCA board meeting?

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