Wisconsin Woman Warns State They Are Committing Crimes Against Humanity with Vaccine Mandates

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January 4, 2022- by Steven E. Greer, MD

My recent story about the complaint filed with the International Criminal Court in The Hague over crimes against humanity related to the handling of the pandemic made waves. A lady in Wisconsin saw and used it as the basis for a warning letter she sent to her Wisconsin health department.

Her letter stated:

“I am apprising you of the existence of a complaint filed with the International Criminal Court. Please read the full complaint and all allegations. There is also an extensive appendix with the document to further inform you and support the complaint brought before the Court.

Obviously, formal complaints and investigations regarding covid and injections have begun. The complaint document can be found at the filing attorney’s website.

I copied the initial paragraphs here. I contacted the Greer Journal site of Dr. Steven Greer, MD, who posted this document here in the USA, as to why this document is not posted on the ICC web page, and was told it is a complaint being addressed internally at the ICC. It is not currently a lawsuit that would be posted.

Also, see the photograph below of the web page-posted ICC letter acknowledging receipt of the complaint document.

Please keep yourselves informed so that you may perform your duties in service of the people of Wisconsin on the right side of the law.


Linda Talbot”

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