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December 30, 2013- If the NYPD use the motto “City’s Finest”, then the Parks Department should be branded “City’s Worst”. Yet another park officer was arrested for a crime. The Post reports, “A Parks Department employee was arrested for sexually abusing an underage female relative, sources said. Rene Herrera, 57, was cuffed Sunday at his Queens home and
charged with three counts of sex abuse after police learned of his vile acts, cops said.”
Veronica White is the Commissioner of the New York City Parks (212) 360-1305
Battery Park (not BPCA) park officer caught stealing
PEP officers relocated get paid in settlement
Exclusive: BPCA pays for park staff reassigned to non-BPC parks
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Letter: Parks Department snubs qualified candidate for PEP
More rogue behavior from our parks officers
Bikes stolen, PEP don’t notice
Man stabbed on doorstep of Asphalt Green in high-rent district
Violent crime in West Thames park, and no PEP in sight
Grand theft auto in front of PEP headquarters
The crime problem in Teardrop Park worsens