Alan Wilzig throws fundraiser for NYPD

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Commissioner Bratton with David Gold at WilzigJune 23, 2014- By Steven E. Greer

Tribecan banker and motorsport enthusiast, Alan Wilzig, hosted an NPYD fundraiser tonight at his townhouse. Police Commissioner Bill Bratton was the Guest of Honor.

Model at Wilzig partyWilzin and Bratton croppedIn his garage, Alan has built a small motorcycle museum, essentially. He now has two of the newest forms of bikes: electric motorcycles. Not many people noticed that they were missing gasoline engines.

Commissioner Bratton with David Gold at WilzigLamborghinis-in-front-of-WilzigOrange electric motorcycle WilzigWilzig blue electric bikeWilzig track simulator


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4 Responses to Alan Wilzig throws fundraiser for NYPD

  1. Alan Wilzig says:

    WOW – beautiful job man – and GOSH are you quick !!!

    And always my pleasure to see you….

  2. David Gold says:

    Thank you!

    David Gold
    Centurion Foundation

  3. Tom Moran says:

    Hi Steven

    It was a nice event. Good photos of the P.C. and the bartenders!

    Good to see you.

    Tommy Moran
    First Precinct

  4. Bill B says:

    That girls is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!
    I hope you got asked her for a date….

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