BPC falls into disrepair

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Update September 11, 2013- The South Cove repairs are completed and the stumps are finally removed.

South Cove 9-11-2013Stumps gone

Update July 28, 2013- After the BPCA addressed our concerns, below, there has been no progress on any of the items we detailed as stalled projects.

June 19, 2013- By Steven E. Greer, MD

It is now 8 months since Hurricane Sandy flooded small portions of Battery Park City (the nearby regions of Manhattan were devastated), and all of the major structural damages to the ballfields, Pier A, and Asphalt Green were repaired months ago. Yet quietly, numerous projects have fallen into disrepair all throughout Battery Park City. No mention of them has been made over that last several monthly meetings of the BPCA board.

Starting in south BPC, the South Cove is still entirely fenced off and a major eyesore. Along the esplanade, healthy trees are secretly being chopped down, with limbs left on the ground. At the Waterfall “Duck Pond”, the pumps for the water are still out of order, and no ducklings hatched this year. Nearby, the hole in the wall of the Irish Memorial made a year ago is still there. The Police Memorial for killed in action is in dire straits. Lastly, the drainage work on the West Thames grass field has been left unfinished with ugly picket fences keeping the children away.

It is unclear whether the BPCA is trying to hire outside contractors now to complete the repairs. Sources tell us that the BPCA is trying to transition from handling many functions in-house, to outsourcing them to contractors. The process of hiring city contractors is well known to be associated with cost overruns, delays, and fraud.

The BPCA runs annually a large surplus budget in excess of $100 Million. For 2012, the surplus was $160 Million. This year, the authority is planning to raise hundreds of millions in bonds. Lack of money does not seem to be the explanation.

Why the once pristine parks of Battery Park City have become neglected like regular city parks is a mystery. Residents demanding answers can contact the BPCA at Anne.Fenton@batteryparkcity.org or matthew.monahan@batteryparkcity.org


Police and Irish Memorials both neglected

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4 Responses to BPC falls into disrepair

  1. Sarah J says:

    Good post, must agree with your observations, apart one thing.

    Healthy trees are not being “Secretly”hopped down, you told us yourself sometime ago!

    “””Exclusive: BPCA to remove remaining trees on esplanade”””

  2. Editor says:

    Thank you for the comment, but no, the BPCA knew this would be unpopular so they most certain;y did do this in stealth, and have left the felled trees by River House to show as justification, as if to say “See, we have to prevent this”. It is Anne Fenton at work. They could have removed those trunks by River House by now, easily.

    The trees being chopped are perfectly healthy. Trimming the ones close to the buildings seems to be warranted. The ones completely chopped down, unwarranted.

  3. Anne Fenton (bogus name) says:

    Dr. Greer,

    As usual, you are wrong about every fact and item you have discussed. Not only is BPC beautiful and pristine, but it is primarily due to the great work by our executive team, led by Robert Serpico for over a quarter of a century. He has been our true and lasting leader throughout everything, and he was our leader during 9/11 when you were cowering and hiding.

    Have a nice day in your demented state of paranoia!

  4. Editor says:

    To readers, someone working at Columbia University posted a bogus comment under the name Anne Fenton, using her BPCA email.

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