BPCA guidelines clearly allow for replacement of ballfields without RFP delays

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IMG_0056January 16, 2013 By Steven E. Greer, MD

BatteryPark.TV has exclusively reported that the BPCA has the authority to replace the ballfields, and repair the Asphalt Green community center, without going though lengthy RFP contract delays. However, for unknown reasons, the BPCA has chosen to announce RFPs before granting the ballfields construction contract, raising concern that the Little League season will be disrupted.

BP.TV has obtained the BPCA’s procurement guidelines, and they clearly state in numerous sections that RFP’s are not required.

In section B-2 “In any instance, the Members of the Authority may, by resolution, waive the use of the Competitive Procurement Method for selecting Contractors if they determine such waiver to be in the best interests of the Authority.”

In section B-3 “The Members of the Authority, upon adoption of these Guidelines, hereby waive use of the Competitive Procurement Method for selecting Contractors in those instances when: C) The President or his designee determines that: The interest of the Authority for timely procurement of the goods, personal services, or Authority program”

BP.TV continues to assert that the Little League season can be salvaged by rapidly awarding repair work contracts. In the meantime, the fields are perfectly suitable for temporary use. At the January 15 CB1 meeting, Paul Goldstein from Sheldon Silver’s office seemed to agree. He assured the room that the fields would be ready for use soon, but did not elaborate on how that would be possible. We suspect that his office is pressuring the BPCA to back away from the RFP process.

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