Category Archives: Real estate

BPCA uses salt on the sidewalks now that Tess Huxley has been removed

Update January 18, 2016- Now that Tessa Huxley has been fired, the parks people are (more…)

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News Corp and 21st Century Fox back out of 2 WTC plans

January 15, 2016- All of the major revenue lines for Rupert Murdoch’s companies are going to (more…)

Posted in - 1 The Good News and Greer Report, Film Theater and TV, Real estate | Leave a comment

BPCA contemplates demolishing the Irish Memorial, selling the space to developers

December 8, 2015- by Steven E. Greer During the December 4th BPCA board meeting, they wanted the public to think that they approved (more…)

Posted in Real estate, State Government | 3 Comments

U.S. Senate now investigates rubber pellet turf fields

January 22, 2016- The U.S. Senate is now weighing in on the safety of those ubiquitous (more…)

Posted in - Politics, Doctors, Dentists, Federal government, Health and lifestyle, Law, Real estate, Schools, Sports and fitness | Leave a comment

Turf goes down on West Thames rubber pellet field

January 16, 2016- The turf and rubber pellets are being installed. (more…)

Posted in Health and lifestyle, Real estate, Schools, Sports and fitness | Leave a comment

Howard Hughes’ Pier-17 mall progresses

January 21, 2016 (more…)

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Chef Michael White’s restaurant empire struggles

January 17, 2016- by Steven E. Greer It’s amazing to me how many of these celebrity chefs have very bad business track records. (more…)

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Water leaks in the new billion-dollar WTC underpass

January 16, 2016- This is sad. The pretty new underpass that connect the WTC to (more…)

Posted in Real estate, State Government | Leave a comment

Too much Trump for one day

January 16, 2016- by Steven E Greer I had some time to kill as the Microsoft store was building a computer for me, so I walked a few (more…)

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What’s in store for Downtown in 2016

December 23, 2015- by Steven E. Greer More so than in recent memory, the new year will bring some big changes to the Downtown (more…)

Posted in - Politics, City government, Real estate, State Government | 1 Comment

How Sheldon Silver Became a Convicted Felon Thanks to Shady Real Estate Relationships


Posted in - 1 The Good News and Greer Report, - Politics, City government, Crime, Federal government, Law, NYPD First Precinct, Real estate, State Government | Leave a comment

BPCA Chairman Dennis Mehiel is completely uninformed on the most pressing issue to all BPC owners

December 17, 2015- (more…)

Posted in - Politics, Real estate, State Government | 1 Comment

Brookfield Office Property’s CEO, Dennis Friedrich, ousted

January 6, 2016- by Steven E. Greer Only BatteryPark.TV has properly reported on the significant risks to Brookfield Property Partner (more…)

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Bill Ackman loses 21% in 2015

Update January 5, 2016- Ackman’s Pershing Square hedge fund lost (more…)

Posted in - 1 The Good News and Greer Report, Real estate, Wall Street | Leave a comment

Bombshell: Bill Ackman’s Howard Hughes gives up on the tall tower at Pier-17

November 5, 2015- Financially struggling hedge fund tycoon Bill Ackman, and Chairman of Howard Hughes (more…)

Posted in Real estate, Wall Street | Leave a comment

Exclusive: PEP office closing down. PEP likely kaput and finis.

January 6, 2016- by Steven E. Greer We previously reported on the new lease signed by the BPCA to rent space from the residential (more…)

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An open letter to Peter Poulakakos

December 30, 2015- I hate to say “I told you so”, but a local blog is reporting that a Poulakakos (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, Real estate | 3 Comments

Club Monaco Men’s Shop opens

November 18, 2015 (more…)

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Is the WTC Apple store moving to Brookfield Place instead?

Update December 21, 2015- This video monitor board still has the mysterious Apple logo on it, (more…)

Posted in Real estate, State Government, Wall Street | 4 Comments

Another big news agency moves Downtown

December 22, 2015- The Associated Press is leaving Midtown to move into 200 Liberty Street in Brookfield Place. (more…)

Posted in - 1 The Good News and Greer Report, Real estate | Leave a comment