Category Archives: Real estate

Exclusive: Brookfield makes a mockery of the sailing school

March 10, 2016- by Steven E. Greer Last year was the first year for the Brookfield-managed “sailing school” and the season was disaster. (more…)

Posted in Real estate, State Government | 2 Comments

BPCA board approves construction for unnecessary “office space” in 200 Rector Place

March 22, 2017- by Steven E. Greer Recall, during the January BPCA board meet, a bit of kabuki theater played out when the Chairman/CEO (more…)

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Construction on West Thames Bridge pork project stalls, as predicted

Update April 29, 2018- As everyone saw coming a mile away, the West Thames Bridge is a stalled, over-budget, (more…)

Posted in - Politics, City government, Real estate, State Government | 2 Comments

Pier-A is now an overcrowded Jersey Shore drunk haven

April 29, 2018- by Steven E. Greer, MD BPTV predicted this. Years ago, when the crooked BPCA was passing resolutions, in secret, to allow (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, - Politics, City government, NYPD First Precinct, Real estate, State Government | Comments Off on Pier-A is now an overcrowded Jersey Shore drunk haven

Battery Park Pharmacy closes

April 4, 2018- The only independent (more…)

Posted in Real estate | 2 Comments

Chick-fil-A opens on Fulton Street to large crowds

March 30, 2018- The biggest Chick-fil-A in the country opened by the Fulton Street subway. (more…)

Posted in Real estate, Reviews | 1 Comment

City Council proposes five-borough ban on helicopter tourist flights

April 17, 2018- The Post reports, “Helicopter tours would be banned in the five boroughs under (more…)

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Store fronts are not the only vacancies in New York. Apartments are empty too.

April 2, 2018- Whether caused by the phenomenon of building pencil towers for the sake of sheltering (more…)

Posted in - 1 The Good News and Greer Report, City government, Real estate, Wall Street | Comments Off on Store fronts are not the only vacancies in New York. Apartments are empty too.

Gangs of black teens menace all-white BPC

Teens on the young kid’s basketball court by West Thames Update April 15, 2018- April seems to be the time when the teen gangs in Lower Manhattan come (more…)

Posted in - Politics, Crime, NYPD First Precinct, Real estate | Comments Off on Gangs of black teens menace all-white BPC

Summary of the April 10, 2018 BPCA board meeting

April 11, 2018- by Steven Greer As BPTV first warned about, the BPCA announced that it is going to market to sell more bonds, raise more cash, and place the authority in more debt. The debt service raises PILOT (more…)

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Greer’s urgent care center opens by the federal court buildings in City Hall

Update October 25, 2016- I stopped by. They have implemented my idea and have a contract to allow city employees (more…)

Posted in Doctors, Dentists, Real estate | 1 Comment

City might impose vacancy tax on greedy landlords keeping empty storefronts

March 31, 2015- This is one reason people are leaving the city. In addition to congestion on the (more…)

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BPCA President Shari Hyman settles embarrassing federal lawsuit before taking private sector job

Shari Hyman by husband, Dan Horwitz, who defended Bernie Madoff Update November 11, 2017- BPTV obtained via FOIA request the actual settlement amount. (more…)

Posted in - Politics, Crime, Federal government, Law, Real estate, State Government | Comments Off on BPCA President Shari Hyman settles embarrassing federal lawsuit before taking private sector job

CB1’s Anthony Notaro refuses to explain why he voted for Pier-A’s outrageous liquor license

October 16, 2014- With Pier-A stalled again, people are asking questions. (more…)

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CB1’s Anthony Notaro is a no-show for the marina rally

December 15, 2014- By Steven E. Greer Anthony Notary, the same deadbeat who refused to pass a CB1 resolution in support of Mike Fortenbaugh to (more…)

Posted in City government, NYPD First Precinct, Real estate, State Government | Leave a comment

Exclusive: CB1’s Anthony Notaro investigated by city’s Conflicts of Interest Board

Update June 2, 2015- The New York City Conflicts of Interest Board is now investigating (more…)

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Why are your PILOT fees not going down?

October 27, 2017- by Steven E. Greer Battery Park City apartment owners pay some of the highest overall taxes in the city, yet the resale (more…)

Posted in - 1 The Good News and Greer Report, - Politics, City government, Real estate | Comments Off on Why are your PILOT fees not going down?

Allied Barton seems to be copying the PEP no-show policies

August 6, 2017- by Steven E. Greer As you recall, I got the PEP removed from BPC by exposing that they were redistributing almost all of (more…)

Posted in - Politics, City government, NYPD First Precinct, Real estate, State Government | Comments Off on Allied Barton seems to be copying the PEP no-show policies

Citigroup construction progress

December 21, 2017- (more…)

Posted in Real estate, Wall Street | Comments Off on Citigroup construction progress

Review: The Arlo Hotel in SoHo

December 20, 2017- by Steven E. Greer, MD I stayed at the Arlo Hotel in SoHo located at Canal and Hudson Streets. It opened one year ago. (more…)

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