First look at the far-left extremist strategies for 2022

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January 9, 2022-

Making Twitter news is yet another obvious FBI false-flag hoax where dozens of poorly disguised FBI agents dressed as far-right domestic terrorists, ala the January 6th hoax. This type of “anti-domestic-terrorism” action by the FBI is what we will see all year long as the far-left sees their demise approaching and become desperate cornered animals.

What is disturbing is how they are doing it. The FBI stooges are harassing Christians in a pro-life, anti-abortion rally in Chicago. The Merrick-Garland-DOJ is not just targeting parents at school board meetings now. It is also going after pro-life rallies. There is no difference now between the United States of America’s federal justice system and those seen in any totalitarian state since WW2.

Even scarier is how easy it is to get thugs to act as the soldiers for fascist regimes. The Nazis were thought to be an anomaly because those bad Germans were morally flawed. “Certainly, that could never happen here.”, we all thought. Nope.

None of this Great Reset totalitarianism would be possible without whores in the media acting as propagandists and thugs with guns. Those ad actors need to be shunned by society.

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