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September 7, 2014- Letter to Editor by Gateway resident Kim Lurie
Here’s an update: I heard rumblings at the last Tenant Association meeting that tenants in Gateway have mice.
My neighbor had mice as did another tenant on my floor. Last night and this morning, I HAVE SAW TWO MICE. I saw them come into my apartment from the garbage compactor! That’s 3 out of 8 apartments on my floor that have mice. Also, they caught a mouse last month in the lobby.
Apparently, like the bad heaters and windows, Gateway is fully aware of the mice problem and is planning on doing nothing but band-aids.
I’m going to split rent with my new roommates: Mickey and Minnie, and in time, their offspring!!!
What building!
What floors?
I saw a gigantic Rat outside of the new Market place in wfc under the scaffolding
I thought it was a bunny it was so big…
At the last Tenant’s Association meeting in late June 2014, a woman from building 100 stood up and announced that she had mice in her building.
She both alerted the rest of us and wondered if any tenants in the other buildings were having the same problem.
In the 200 building lobby, a mouse was caught about 2 or 3 weeks ago. Several tenants have told me they have seen mice running by the elevators at the lobby level in the 200 building for months now.
Several tenants in various floors in building 200 have talked of mice in their apartments. I had a mouse run across my living room floor this past Sat night/Sunday morning at midnight.
At 4am, my neighbor was awakened by her dog alerting her that the mouse she had 2 months ago was back.
Yesterday, a mouse entered my apartment around 10:30am running under the door of the trash compactor directly into my apartment. Around 3pm, I saw a mouse run from my kitchen to my closet.
Last February, after having no heat for 2 winters, I called 311 who violated the building, HPD sued them for no heat. As part of the “settlement” (a minor fine of $2,000) they agreed to “provide heat” to the building. The replacement heaters began installation. The owners/management fearful that my counterclaims for retaliatory eviction and breach of warranty of habitability would succeed, withdrew their holdover action against me.
I was given a 1 year lease commencing last month. Rent increase $3,632 for my 1 bedroom. NOW, I have mice.
We found mice droppings in our closet a couple of months ago. Then my neighbor confirmed she had seen mice in her apartment. She said another neighbor had seen them too. We are on the 9th floor in the 200 building.
When we called the maintenance, they acted dumbfounded “Mice on the 9th floor?” like they didn’t believe it. They put a plastic strip across the bottom of the door and put down glue traps. Fortunately we did not catch anything and I have not seen further evidence of mice (btw, our apartment is immaculately clean) but my neighbor did say she caught 2.