Goldman alley infiltrated with livery cab drivers soliciting pedestrians

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2-24-2013 no cars on VeseyUpdate February 24, 2013

We have learned that Goldman Sachs is no longer allowing liver cab solicitations on their property, which is the north side of Vesey. This is a result of our reporting, below. (Note the street completely devoid of livery cabs in the photo above)


January 28, 2013 By Steven Greer

In the photo, above, are no less than 7 livery cab drivers illegally out of their cars, which are illegally parked on Vesey, illegally soliciting cash fare paying Goldman Sachs employees. Why any Goldman employee would use these dangerous cash cars is uncertain since they have legitimate town cars at their service in the car lane parallel to West Street.

The problem that the drivers cause for the community is twofold. First, they create a traffic jam on Vesey Street, and an unsafe pedestrian crossing. Then, they harass people who are minding their own business trying to shop in the alley or cross the street.

Around the corner on North End Avenue, the TLC aggressively patrol and do undercover stings resulting in arrests. Why they refuse to do the same on Vesey Street is a mystery.

Related stories:

A remarkable community collaborative effort deals with the tour bus and livery cab problems

TLC undercover sting arrests livery cab drivers on North End Avenue

Illegal livery cabs halt traffic on Vesey Street


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