HRPT updates CB1 on Pier 26

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June 11, 2014- By Steven E. Greer

Apparently wanting to avoid public questions about her controversial attempt to slip a secret MOU about Pier-A air rights by opponents, a move that backfired and failed, the CEO of the Hudson River Park Trust was not on hand to update the CB1 on Pier A. Instead, her junior team did the work.

They announced that an operator for the restaurant, a “He”, was selected, but they refused to disclose his name. Why keep that a secret?

They announced that the water-level boat dock for kayaks and other small vessels, as well as the boat house, is still expected to open this month. They blamed city permit delays.

The educational “estuarium”, recently awarded $10 Million in state funds, is undergoing a Loosey Goosey form of RFP that is “more flexible”. Despite having no plans whatsoever, the HRPT was certain that $10 Million would not be enough (Hmm. Is that why a dog run cost $5 Million?).

Regarding the MOU on air rights, they confirmed that it was now dead, and that a regular ULURP process would proceed from here. There was no explanation as to why opponents to the plan have problems with developing across from Pier A, which is an industrial zone (Could they really be more interested in reviving the NID-tax? Is this really just Durst-Glick flexing muscle to oppose Novogratz? Does anyone really care about Pier-A or is it just a political pawn?).

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