This post has been read 1943 times!
April 2, 2020- In my third appearance on Piscopo, I said:
- There is no need, nor is their time, for randomized controlled trials on hydroxychloroquine. We know it is safe from decades of use. No one else was saying this.
- It is unethical to not offer hydroxychloroquine. No one else was saying this.
- The U.S. has to start making drugs in the country, not in China.
- The Fauci estimates of 200,000 deaths were based on no valid models. He was bluffing. No one else was saying this.
- The government-ordered house arrests are unconstitutional. No one else was saying this.
- The high death rates in New York are caused by atrocious care in Queens and Brooklyn hospitals. No one else was saying this.
- The virus patients need to be sent to the military hospitals
- I discussed the need for better care in nursing homes
- Everyone should wear a mask. Simple homemade cloth coverings are fine.
Click here for the transcript
Video version
(The producer for Piscopo sent me this feedback email)
Hi. Can you please spell out the name of the doctor that Joe Piscopo just interviewed. Is it Dr Steven Greer or Grier? I’m trying to look him up. It was an amazing interview.
thank you
T Rubin
You need to get a presence back on FOX even if you despise it…and they need to can Dr. Siegel
Great interview and finally someone recognized you being ahead of the curve after all this time!!!!
Dr G: Covid Specialist and now world renowned for all his work, finally.
Nice work doc!
Ordering book. A few copies.