Karate rabbi wants to train Jewish kids to combat ‘knockout’ thugs

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131127_matial_arts_jcrice_472.jpgDecember 1, 2013- The NY Post is reporting, “He wants to pump Jew up! A cop-turned-rabbi is on a quest to toughen up city Jews being targeted by “knockout” thugs. “If Jewish kids started fighting back, they wouldn’t get picked on so much,” said Gary Moskowitz, a seventh-degree karate black belt. “I’m just trying to encourage the Jewish community to do that.””

The perverted “knockout game” violent assaults

Another bicycle gang violently assaults a random pedestrian

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One Response to Karate rabbi wants to train Jewish kids to combat ‘knockout’ thugs

  1. Jerrold L. Sobel says:

    As absurd as this would be. If white Jewish kids were sucker punching and trying to knock unconscious innocent black people you would hear the uproar around the world. But racism only runs in one direction during this putrid period of time we now live in. Karate? Nah….It’s time every Jew in Brooklyn living amongst these barbarians carry a licensed gun and act accordingly the next time one of these thugs assaults them for doing nothing more than walking down the street.

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