Laughable cost estimates for the Liberty Street Greek Church

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Liberty elvated parkNovember 22, 2013- The NY Post is reporting that the newly announced plans to build a Greek Orthodox church on the southern edge of the WTC “Ground Zero” site are laughably low-balling the cost, “The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America hopes its huge new St. Nicholas Church at 130 Liberty St. designed by Santiago Calatrava will open in early 2016 after a mere $20 million outlay. But don’t count on either prediction to stand up. The $20 million budget is drawing hoots from observers familiar with the architect’s chronic cost overruns — for example, he’s nearly $2 billion over budget at the World Trade Center Transportation Hub across the street. “For $20 million the archdiocese will get a door with a window,” snickered a participant in WTC reconstruction who didn’t want to be named.”Liberty park and Greek orthodox church

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