Man dies of sudden cardiac arrest while jogging on the esplanade

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IMG_0165May 12, 2014- By Steven E. Greer, MD

This evening, Jon Grobler, a 40-year-old local resident, was jogging on the esplanade north of the marina when he lost consciousness, fell to the ground, and began seizing. Witnesses said he “turned purple”, so a Good Samaritan began chest compression CPR.

Numerous emergency squads arrived from the NYPD and NYFD, and continued CPR for more than 10-minutes before leaving for New York Downtown Hospital. He remained in ventricular fibrillation and did not survive.

There are a few learning points from this sad case. First, if you are out of shape from the long winter, be very careful about suddenly exerting yourself. Secondly, learning CPR is a valuable tool.

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