More cover-ups relating to sexual misconduct for Sheldon Silver’s State Assembly

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Townlet Silver

August 8, 2013- The NY Times is reporting that Speaker Silver’s State Assembly is in trouble for yet another cover-up relating to yet more Assemblymen doing bad sexual things at the office. “New York ethics regulators have opened a new investigation into the State Assembly after learning that Assembly Democrats withheld documents that were subpoenaed as part of a recent sexual harassment inquiry. A top Assembly lawyer had kept quiet allegations of sexual harassment made against Assemblyman Micah Z. Kellner, a Manhattan Democrat and current City Council candidate, in 2009, even though the commission issued a broad subpoena for documents related to sexual harassment allegations as part of an investigation into harassment claims made against a former assemblyman, Vito J. Lopez, that concluded earlier this year.

The latest ethics inquiry is likely to further damage the reputation of the Assembly speaker, Sheldon Silver, a Democrat, who has a troubled history of handling sexual misconduct cases. And it will most likely reinforce that the Legislature operates in a climate of minimal and selective disclosure, where secrets are closely guarded.”

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