Nobody is listening to Catherine McVay Hughes’ CB1 anymore

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Catherine-McVay-Hughes-ignoring-usApril 9, 2015- Opinion by By Steven E. Greer

Several years ago, the Tribeca subcommittee of CB1 protested over the design of a Pier 26 restaurant being constructed by the Hudson River Park Trust (HRPT). For pure obstructionist reasons, they objected to a rooftop seating. Then, Madelyn Wils, the CEO of HRPT and former head of CB1, blatantly ignored all of the CB1 resolutions and went ahead with the restaurant design anyway.

Over the last two years, the HRPT has allowed music concerts to take place on Pier 26. Again, Ms. Wils flagrantly ignored the objections of the CB1.

Over the last six months, the same feckless CB1 has passed resolutions and gotten local officials to join them in protesting the BPCA’s eviction of North Cove Marina operator Mike Fortenbaugh. The governor and his BPCA cronies laughed at the CB1, going ahead and replacing Mr. Fortenbaugh with big campaign donors Brookfield Properties and Andrew Farkas.

Recently, the CB1 tried to protest another move by the BPCA when it passed a resolution stating that the BPCA ballfield permits should be awarded only to the same sports leagues that have enjoyed a monopoly since the fields were created. Again, the local elected officials, led by Sheldon Silver, joined in with letters of support, and again, the BPCA ignored them. The ballfield permits for Summer and Fall will be open to any applicant from all over the city and state.

It seems that Catherine McVay Hughes’ is leading a toothless joke of a community board. The state and city ignored her even before the powerful Sheldon Silver was indicted and taken out of power. With his demise, the wheels are falling off of CB1.

The only thing that CB1 seems able to do well is to conspire against the best interests of the community and help deep-pocket special interests get their way. The 180-degree reversal of CB1 opposition to Pier-A that allowed a 4:00-AM liquor license and beer garden to be awarded by the SLA is a great example.

BatteryPark.TV believes that the current cast of cronies sitting on the community board, most of whom are on CB1 because of Sheldon Silver, need to be kicked out. Then, term limits need to be enacted.

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