Propaganda Watch: 2-26-2022

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These are some of the most egregious propaganda efforts this week:


  • Watch US Deep State create fake injured in Ukraine for propaganda against Putin, or it is Putin making this to make us think it is US. Either way, images from Ukraine cannot be trusted.
  • As my friend @MysteryGrove pointed out, the propaganda coming out of the Ukraine/Russia conflict is what Orwell was referring to when he said that intellectuals created “emotional superstructures” around events that never happened during the Spanish Civil War.
  • Ahh ..the media. At it gain. Reporters with bullet-proof vest and steel helmet, behind are tourists on the hunt for snapshots.
  • MSNBC lets fucked up old hag Hillary blame Trump for Ukraine!
  • Fox News @ChadPergram: Pelosi on Biden/Ukraine: I think it’s really important for people to understand the brilliance with which President Biden is conducting this. This is a man served decades as chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee. He knows the arena. He knows the personalities.
  • CBS tries to blame Putin for Bidenflation
  • CONFLICT OF INTEREST: CNN’s Paula Reid is Married to a Chinese Communist Party Lobbyist.
  • POLITICO: Election officials have to battle a constant flow of disinformation. Here’s how they’re doing it.
  • Kyle Rittenhouse Announces Defamation LAWSUITS Against Corporate Media, Whoopi Goldberg
  • “Vindman: Right-Wing Pundits, GOP ‘Have Blood on Their Hands’ for Encouraging Putin”- this is the traitor who spied n Trump’s call while he was working in the basement of the White House. He is of Ukraine descent. The current Ukraine leadership is a dictatorship installed by the CIA
  • CNN: At 16, Larry Miller killed another teen. At 72, the Nike executive is ready to apologize (Normalizing murder and pedophilia)


  • NBC NEWS: Opinion | The CDC was right to ease mask guidelines. But I wish it hadn’t.
  • “POLITICO: Florida Senate approves DeSantis’ controversial pick for surgeon general” This highly credible black doctor is being attacked by the communists
  • KAISER HEALTH NEWS: Why Pregnant People Were Left Behind While Vaccines Moved at ‘Warp Speed’ to Help the Masses- (Spinning this as victims left behind and harmed by nt being vaccinated when the opposite is true)
  • AXIOS: Influencers played outsized role in pushing anti-vax conspiracies
  • CNN: Covid-19 is killing more people now than during most of the pandemic. Here’s who’s still at risk
  • “REUTERS: Hong Kong rolls out COVID vaccine passport, paves way for mainland doctors” This is such blatant pro-China propaganda that no author name is given. These efforts in Hong Kong are pretext for a China invasion via “health worker”
  • “USA TODAY: Hong Kong to test entire population of 7.5M people 3 times in March: Live COVID updates”- This is all China’s doing. They are taking over Hong Kong under the pretext of COVID and the propaganda media is helping them
  • CNN: As Omicron cases fall, doctors anxiously await possible surge of dangerous child complication MIS-C- fearmongering
  • USA TODAY: A rare hyper-inflammatory syndrome has been reported in teens after COVID vaccination. Why experts aren’t worried…..Jesus Christ, they are evil. “ White experts aren’t worried “ First of all, anytime to use the quote expert “it’s designed to shut you up and not even question what they say.
  • Opinion | DeSantis’s latest brilliant Florida pandemic idea? A mask-shunning, vaccine-skeptical, ivermectin-promoting surgeon general.- the Great Reset gets a free pass bashing a black doctor if he is not on their side
  • NPR: More contagious version of omicron spreads in U.S., fueling worries
  • USA TODAY: Delay in COVID vaccines for kids upset parents. Experts say it was the right thing to do
  • ABC NEWS: Who is dying of COVID amid omicron surge and widespread vaccine availability?
  • THE ATLANTIC: There’s No Justifying Our Children-Last COVID Policy
  • The AMA (which is now a propaganda outlet)- Ivermectin does not prevent severe illness in patients with COVID-19
  • THE GUARDIAN: It’s time to consider natural immunity to Covid-19 as equal to one-shot of the vaccine  (The Great Reset is admitting what any doctor has know for three years, but they are doing this after the damage has been done.)
  • THE GUARDIAN: Experts warn ‘not to get too cocky’ as US contemplates life after Covid (Hahaha. Translation “Don’t flaunt those constitutional and god-given rights. Also, anything that begins in the title as “experts say” you know is propaganda)
  • ABC NEWS: Controversial doctor group touts ivermectin as long COVID treatment: What to know
  • USA TODAY: Fact check: Working paper isn’t proof COVID-19 restrictions don’t work, experts say
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One Response to Propaganda Watch: 2-26-2022

  1. Vincent McGowan says:

    Steve, Your blog is one of the very few places in NYC where we can see the conservative opinion expressed in terms lay people can understand. Hopefully your readership base is expanding as we near the mid term elections.
    Good luck and keep on punching up.

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