Review: Top Gun: Maverick

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July 22, 2022- by Steven E. Greer

I finally saw Top Gun: Maverick. It is one of the best movies ever made for several reasons.

First, it was decades in the making, as Tom Cruise says in the beginning of the film. It is like Leonardo da Vinci spending decades on his Mona Lisa. Cruise is so proud of the film that he starts it off with him sitting, facing the theater audience, explaining how the jets are real, etc. and how he, “…made it for you”.

Cruise and his producers took their time with this film, resisting the urge to pump out a sequel that did not feel right. When the story and timing were right, they finally went into production.

This is a film that comes at the right time in history. It quite possibly saved the traditional Hollywood-theater industry after years of lockdowns and political revolution.

With the tremendous pressure to insert propaganda, Cruise resisted. The film is pretty much free of that woke influence. With the exception of racial quotas, Maverick takes no jabs at Trump supporters or promotes transgender propaganda.

There were no flaws in casting or editing. I usually spot bad casting and editing right away. They also avoided the cheesy love scenes and other clichés.

Cruise, et al avoided the other evil things one sees embedded in movies now meant to brainwash you. There are no scenes of the stars smoking cigarettes. There are no gratuitous handgun or fist-fighting scenes.

Of note, I loved the fact that they used The Who’s “Won’t Be Fooled Again” for a several-minute long scene. Classic Porsche makes another appearance, as it did in the first one.

The fact that I like this movie is particularly impressive given that I did not like the first Top Gun. That movie has some really cringe provoking cheesy scenes. I recently watched it on TV. Yikes.

Top Gun: Maverick would have been a good film if it came out in another era. However, the timing of it makes this Tom Cruise’s magnus opus, and he knows it.

Update August 8, 2022- Leftists are furious. Non-woke ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ has topped Titanic’s total haul, including all three of its re-releases. After 11 weeks in release, the Top Gun sequel sits at $662.5 million and counting.

Update August 16, 2022- Quentin Tarantino reviews Maverick as was of the best films ever

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