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May 18, 2015- By Steven E. Greer
Last February, when I became appalled to see the mail to my building left unattended overnight due to the loss of our regular mail person, I called federal offices for help. The USPS Inspector General became involved and we were assigned a dedicated mail person, once again, alleviating the problems.
One of the offices I contacted was Senator Schumer’s. I never expected them to lift a finger, but apparently his office wrote a letter to the U.S. Postal Service. I just received this via email:
May 7, 2015
The Honorable Charles E. Schumer, United States Senator, 780 Third Avenue, Suite 2301, New York, NY 10017-2110
Dear Senator Schumer:
This responds to your April 26 letter on behalf of Dr. Steven E. Greer of New York, regarding mail delivery service.
I appreciate your interest in assisting Dr. Greer with his concerns about the time of day in which he receives mail delivery. While we recognize that most postal customers prefer mail delivery early in the day, it is inevitable that some customers will receive earlier service than others. The time of mail delivery may change periodically when routes are adjusted as part of our normal operations. Additionally, delivery times may vary because of fluctuations in mail volumes, unscheduled employee absences, transportation delays, and other factors affecting operations. Since so many variables are involved, the US. Postal Service cannot guarantee a specific time for mail delivery. Every effort is made to complete all mail deliveries as early as possible.
New York District officials report there has been a regular carrier assigned to the route since January and he delivers the mail five days a week except on his scheduled day off. Scanning records indicate that recently, the latest time for delivery was :10 pm. on Mondays, the day with the heaviest mail volume, and Tuesday through Saturday, the mail was delivered by :30 pm. We were also advised that mail is not left in the lobby, but kept secure in a room until the carrier arrives to deliver the mail.
I understand that Dr. Greer may have noticed a difference in the amount of time it takes for him to receive his mail; however, it is important to explain that the Postal Service recently made adjustments to its service standards for First-Class Mail. Effective January , the new First-Class Mail service standard is 2-3 days within the 48 contiguous United States and the District of Columbia. Although First-Class Mail receives expeditious handling and transportation, delivery time is not guaranteed. Should Dr. Greer have any further questions, he may contact the New York District Consumer and Industry Contact office at (212) 330-3667.
Thank you for writing. If I can be of assistance with any postal issues, please let me know.
Scott FR. Slusher, Manager, Government Liaison for the United States Post Office