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August 19, 2022- by Steven E. Greer, MD
I gave my first ever political speech last night to the Licking County Conservatives Club in Heath, Ohio. I have been thinking about running for congress to replace Troy Balderson in the 12th congressional district. Some local Ohio republicans invited me to speak.
I strategically decided to not give a boring speech listing, “What Ohioans want”. I have seen those before and they put people to sleep. Instead, I decided to make it a Q&A about how we can get some ideas of mine off the ground.
The venue was the Tailgate Club, which is a blue collar dive hidden behind small manufacturing shops near Newark. Smartphone navigation systems cannot find it. There were about 50 people in attendance. The county commissioner was there. Ohio GOP party officers were there, etc.
For my first idea, I talked about my efforts to help Rep. Jim Jordan and Sen. Rand Paul conduct Nuremberg Trials 2.0 next year to hold Tony Fauci, et al accountable. The person introducing me said that I was, “The first person in the media to call Tony Fauci a fraud..” The room broke out in applause. They also laughed at the title of my book, “Tony’s Virus”, which pleased me.
I spent the rest of my time talking about how the problems we are suffering now are all part of the communist playbook that has been used time after time for more than 100-years. I showed them the Richard Pipes book about communism and how we need to get a course on communism taught in high schools. I detailed the basic strategies of a communist revolution and how current events mirror what Stalin, et al have done. (Of note, Ron DeSantis has already taken my idea and run with it. He announced at the August 14th Arizona rally that they will be teaching communism in high schools.)
My gamble paid off. I was very well received.
The Ohio GOP people have already booked me to speak to the Delaware County Conservatives. Licking and Delaware Counties are the two largest of my district.
On August 18th, a political dynasty was started in a small union hall near Newark, Ohio.
Update February 4, 2023- Bill Maher is doing the Steve Greer bit. He showed how the modern woke movement is the same as the communist movements of the last century. This is huge.