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Update December 12, 2013- We predicted the demise of Super Linda back in February with our title “RIP Super Linda”. We see dead people, so to speak.
Sure enough, it is official. Eater reports, “Tribeca Latin restaurant Super Linda is closing after service on Friday. The Super Linda team sends along the following statement: “Lou Ceruzzi has decided to close Super Linda, the Latin grill in Tribeca. He and his partners are excited to bring a new concept, already in the works, to the neighborhood.” As you may recall, Matt Abramcyk and Serge Becker opened this restaurant with a handful of other partners two years ago. Now it sounds like Ceruzzi is in charge. The critics ignored Super Linda, but it had a fun bar and some good food.”
Update February 22, 2013- Super Linda is now mostly devoid of interesting people since the host, Chris, has left for another job. What remains is a Tribeca dudefest, outnumbering the ladies 20 to 1, and wannabe pretentious bearded hipster bartenders who tweet and chat as you wait, then serve you, if they feel like it. With the additional loss of nearby Duane Park, Tribeca is back to being sorely in need of entertainment after 10:00 PM.
December 1, 2012 By Steven E. Greer
BatteryPark.TV went out last night in our Sisyphean effort to find some fun in boring Tribeca. To our shock, we actually found a good place.
Super Linda is a nice new dive that has several lounge rooms in the basement. The talent was quite respectable. Our server Yaya and host Chris Session did a great job. We made some new friends.
Before Super Linda, we dipped into the Duane Park burlesque dinner show. We learned that they will be leaving the residential TriBeCa and heading to a more party-conducive location at the Bowery Poetry Club.
The really great thing about Tribeca is that Dr Steven E Greer doesn’t live here and that must raise property values in Tribeca by quantum percentages. Hopefully he will remain in the projects across the West Side highway.
Even thought the commentator above used a fake email and name, we have posted his snarky comment. We can take criticism. Bring it on. We welcome all commentary that is civil
But addressing his joke that Battery Park is a slum, we need to remind him/her that Tribeca lost its power and came to BPC for help after the storm, that our apartments are global models for green energy attracting A-list celebrities, and that the banks located in BPC, like Goldman and AmEX, and the best in Wall Street, while Citigroup is close to being liquidated despite TARP.
Super Linda closed and Smith & Mills is not expanding contrary to press reports. The premises at 385 Greenwich aka 71 N. Moore has been tied upon the Supreme Court since December 2007 when Abramcyk made up a story on his neighbors asking the Supreme Court to grant him his neighbor’s 8 bedroom loft much like the fraud lawsuit against David Bouley at 109 – 111 W. Broadway in the same owner’s buildings. It was fraud. And they lost.
They were caught lying to the judge at Smith & Mills at 71 N. Moore so many times its ridiculous. The premises is tied up on the Supreme Court ever since. They can’t touch the premises to expand Smith & Mills. They’ll hauled in front of the Supreme Court judge so fast their heads will spin.
You’re all journalist but never pulled the fraud C of O for Smith & Mills, the lawsuits at 287 Broadway at the Pizza Café with Abramcyk in the same owner’s buildings or the fraud lawsuits against David Bouley at 109 W. Broadway? These are all the same owner’s buildings and bars. The lawsuit simply prevented the City from investigating what turns out is an legal business at 71 N. Moore. The Certificate of Occupancy was never valid for Smith & Mills. Its an illegal bar.
The thing is this is all fraud and the fraud is in the City’s records with all these buildings and bars in a pattern of fraud that now extends to 28 buildings south of Canal in the same owner’s buildings with enough “accidents”, fires and fraud lawsuits to choke a horse.
The Corruption Unit seized their lawyer’s records in Anna Gristina Millionaire madam scandal. This is the same lawyer who set up all Abramcyk’s businesses. They claim Abramcyk’s lawyer David Jaroslawicz had the police tipping them off when Gristina’s brothels were about to raided which is the actual evidence at Smith & Mills.
The police tipped off Jaroslawicz the neighbor had written the Mayor over a fire at Smith & Mills at 385 Greenwich aka 71 N. Moore which triggered the lawsuit. The lawsuit was simply to prevent the City from investigating what turns out is an illegal business which presents a known fire hazard.
And you sincerely think the courts will award Smith & Mills their neighbor’s 8 bedroom loft since 1983 based on fraud when the fraud finally extends to 28 buildings south of Canal in this same owner’s buildings? It’s is all fraud.
Do you even know the owner of this building burnt their own real estate offices down at 140 Fulton forcing 5 more families to the streets at 138 Fulton? They could have killed the little boy at 138 Fulton next door to 140 Fulton which is the same evidence at Smith & Mills.
Do you know Abramcyk was the Pizza Café at 287 Broadway that was evacuated a week before Abramcyk started his 2nd fire at Smith & Mills? Do you have any concept how many people were made homeless or nearly killed or what they’re doing is entirely illegal?
This illegal business went after their neighbor’s 8 bedroom loft because what they were doing was illegal. They lost. Smith & Mills is not expanding. The Supreme Court has been asked to throw them out to correct the egress for both buildings combined above them so the neighbors can go home just like Abramcyk’s neighbors at 287 Broadway.
This is all fraud. Maybe anyone can explain to the Supreme Court judge what Ceruzzi has to do with this pattern of fraud in lower Manhattan in the same owner’s buildings which is under investigation by nearly every department in the city. But the only one calling the shots at Super Linda at 109 – 111 W. Broadway is the owner of all these buildings who own all these bars. Why would Ceruzzi name be involved? His name is does not appear on a single record.
Battery Park TV,
I am happy to send you all the records in all these buildings and bars with Century 21, Century Realty and 12 Cortland Corp.. This isn’t a game. It’s all fraud. The Gindi’s own Super Linda, Smith & Mills, Tiny’s, 77 Warren, Macao and the Pizza Café at 287 Broadway. The Gindi’s own 140 Fulton. 140 Fulton is Century Realty. I’m sure you remember the story.
David Jaroslawicz works for the Gindi’s. David Jaroslawicz is the lawyer behind all these fraud lawsuits in Tribeca the same owner’s buildings. The Corruption Unit seized David Jaroslawicz’s records because all of the faux LLC’s for Anna Gristina’s brothel and pig farm trace back to David Jaroslawicz just like Matt Abramcyk’s. Matt Abramcyk is the Gindi’s real estate broker Ray Abramcyk’s son. The bars are a red herring. There is way more to this story. What they are doing in all these buildings and bars is totally illegal where no a single record adds up across the board. It’s all fraud. As if the residents of lower Manhattan hadn’t already suffered enough to last a lifetime.
It’s tragic Bill didn’t live to tell the story at Delphi.
Most Sincerely,
The Neighbors on N. Moore
Is this the gindi’s that own century 21 department store?