The Netflix Late Reviewer: Closed Circuit

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Netflix TV screen feetFebruary 19, 2014- By Steven E. Greer

With more people becoming like me, and finding the theaters unbearable, deferring to see movies when they hit Netflix, I will start sharing my belated reviews. Please feel free to post your own.

I finally saw Closed Circuit: 2013, starring Eric Bana, Rebecca Hall, Jim Broadbent. I used the Blue Ray medium rather than download the film, for higher resolution.

This film is one of the best I have seen in years, and it was made even better by dumb luck. The Ed Snowden NSA spying revelations hit the news right in November, and the movie was released in August.

The acting and casting were perfect. Eric Bana and Rebecca Hall are two British lawyers, former lovers, who were selected to prosecute and defend a terrorist who set off a bomb in London. The politically charged case is quickly hijacked by politicians and the MI5 spy agency.

I won’t divulge more, but the movie realistically portrays spy agencies as humans who make errors, sometimes really big mistakes, then start to attack civilians to cover their arses. This is refreshing, because ever since Ian Fleming, spies have been portrayed as super heroes.

Closed Circuit reminds me a bit of Zero Dark Thirty in that it shows the entire post-9/11 world realistically. This is a “must see” flick.

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