The Shadow Report: 4-3-2023

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Weaponization of the Federal Government:

  • Another HUGE loss for the communists: Finland’s center-right National Coalition Party claimed victory with 94.2% of votes counted in a tight three-way parliamentary race, appearing to beat the ruling Social Democrats led by Prime Minister Sanna Marin
  • And there it is – he said the quiet part out loud Biden all but confirmed that his team is coordinating these Trump indictments to “stop Trump from taking power again”
  • Ohio: FBI stages a fake white supremacy rally
  • Active duty service member arrested in Virginia for spending 3 mins in Capitol on Jan 6 He talked w cop 20 ft inside Senate wing, who told him to leave – he turned around & did so NCIS & FBI appear to have interviewed him w/out a lawyer present
  • There is zero religious freedom under Zelensky. “Nationalist” forces raided an Orthodox Christian church and used tear gas.
  • Google co-founder Sergey Brin, other billionaires subpoenaed over JPMorgan’s Epstein ties
  • France’s Macron opens way to potential assisted dying legalisation (communists kill the weak)

Communist-organized Crime and Chaos (and possible infrastructure attacks)

Communist-organized attack on race and gender norms:

Money and Economy:

  • Japan Breaks With U.S. Allies, Buys Russian Oil at Prices Above Cap, WSJ reports
  • McDonald’s temporarily shuts U.S. offices as It prepares to inform employees about layoffs
  • This news that McDonald’s is closing its corporate headquarters for three days, preparing for layoffs makes sense. When I was taking care of my father, last year, we explored McDonald’s a couple of times. I was shocked at how small the hamburgers were, and how the menu items had become so expensive. It’s junk food that poor people can no longer afford and is not good enough for the wealthier people who could afford it
  • Tesla Reports Uptick in Vehicle Deliveries After Price Cuts-The company delivered around 36% more vehicles to customers in the first quarter than it did a year earlier
  • Oil prices soar almost 6% after OPEC+ output cut

Other news:

  • FEBRUARY 10: Biden spokesman John Kirby confirms Biden “doesn’t regret” waiting until the Chinese spy balloon traversed the entire country — and surveilled sensitive U.S. military sites — before shooting it down.- Biden is literally a puppet of the CCP. Knowing that, it makes more sense why they allow this
  • Chinese spy balloon gathered intel from sensitive military sites and had a self-destruct mechanism
  • Florida Man: A man in St. Petersburg, Fla. has been charged with double first-degree murder after police found the body of his toddler child in the mouth of an alligator. The child’s mother had been stabbed to death.
  • ‘Dallas’ premiered 45 years ago, April 2, 1978, on CBS

Other politics:

Sudden Adult Death Syndrome and Vaccine Adverse Events

  • Turbo Cancer: The Fleetwood Mac keyboardist died of a massive stroke, which was brought on by an aggressive form of cancer, reports The Blast.

Medical Crimes:

  • Fauci quietly begins advising mysterious overseas ‘anti-pandemic’ bio lab
  • It is finally OVER! Mandates are removed for healthcare workers in NJ
  • Biden slips up, states what is planned: “We need more money to plan for the 2nd pandemic. There’s going to be another pandemic. We have to think ahead.” POTUS, Joe Biden

Data front:

Healthcare Business News:

Propaganda and Legacy Media:

  • Former White House propagandist Psaki gives communist prosecutor a softball interview that is 10/10 cringe


Losing my Religion

I think I’m finally growing up mentally. Here’s what I mean.

I grew up in a strange time when classic rock ‘n’ roll was 20 years old when I first became a fan. Because it was so removed and I was just a kid, I always looked at it in a fictional way.

I have met some of my rock idols and they did not disappoint me. However, what is completely disillusioning me now is that I am learning the entire classic rock movement was greatly the product of the CIA and MI6.

I mentioned recently after watching a documentary that the Rolling Stones are a bunch of frauds because they let their founder Brian Jones be murdered, and then have the murder covered up by the deep state (The deep state was smearing Jones as drug addict death when, in fact. a construction worker murdered him). Mick Jagger and Keith Richards went on stage the next day and pretended that everything was normal because they were afraid of the police (the had already been set up with bogus drug arrests).

Now, I am watching a new documentary “Drugs as weapons used against us“. Mick Jagger, for example, was completely set up by the deep state. He went to a party with somebody, they slipped LSD into his drink and then they arrested him.

Jimi Hendrix’s manager was an MI6 spy. Janis Joplin’s boyfriend was an FBI agent. Joplin and Hendrix were killed. Why? Jimi Hendrix was supporting the Black Panthers, so he was on their list. Janis Joplin was antiwar, so she was on the list.

The CIA drugged up the entire antiwar generation in the late 60s. Document showed that they did it because they knew the LSD would make them incompetent and ineffective. They’re doing that same sort of thing now. ADHD drugs, anti-depressants, etc. are all being pushed into the youth because it’s a way to turn them into zombies.

The whole transgender movement with those hormones and drugs, or another way to destroy a whole generation.

This is how deep state operates. Whether it’s the communist on want to do things with the CIA on the other end or what have you they scheme ways to alter large portions of the population.

The entire LSD hippie and psychedelic rock movement was completely created by the CIA.

It makes sense. LSD is not some natural drug like marijuana or cocaine. It had to come from a sophisticated lab. CIA laboratories were creating a mind altering drugs based on Nazi doctors the US secretly brought over to the United States after the war.

Timothy Leary was a Harvard psychologist funded by the CIA to promote LSD, much like Tony Fauci pushes the dangerous vaccines. Many universities had large funding by the CIA. The Grateful Dead, a pro LSD band, was a creation of the CIA. David Crosby was another CIA stooge promoting LSD to other rock bands. Laurel Canyon in LA was the epicenter of it all.

Interestingly, the biggest LSD hippies used by the CIA came from wealthy or prestigious families. Crosby’s family was wealthy. Jim Morrison’s father was the head of the Navy and his ship started the entire Vietnam war (Gulf on Tonkin). (The Air Force and Navy funded the Laurel Canyon LSD labs).

Now that I know this, the iconic Woodstock and Monterey festivals were all creations of the CIA. Everyone in the audience on LSD was being manipulated (maybe that is how two young producers were allowed to organize it).

The CIA was pro war. They were concerned by the youth who were protesting the Vietnam war. The drug program was some lame attempt to control and disable the youth. They were going after their leaders who were the rock ‘n’ roll artists.

These revelations take all of the nostalgia and glamour out of it for me. I feel like I have been suckered for 50 years. I feel like a kid who just realize Santa Claus is fake.

(I am still watching the film and will update this. But rock stars killed by overdoses or suffered LSD brain damage include Syd Barrett, Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Keith Moon, Janice Joplin, etc. The CIA and military directly or indirectly killed them all. The survivors got wise to it and refused to take LSD after a few tries. (i.e., Pete Townshend, the Beatles, the Stones))

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4 Responses to The Shadow Report: 4-3-2023

  1. Chester says:

    Whitey Bulger was induced to take LSD in prison as he was told it would cure his psychosis. Instead it drove him crazy. He discovered he was part of a CIA study as LSD could never cure this. He began stating he would murder the doctor who had funded the LSD study with CIA. And was murdered. The CIA hired Nazi doctors to teach them how to torture their unwitting medical Guinea pigs who were federal prisoners, US Servicemen etc

    Tomorrow is a dark depressing day… watching the funeral possession of USA

  2. Mike Howard says:

    Interesting theories. I’ve read a lot of Rock artist biographies abbr watched many documentaries yet I haven’t come across any evidence that would support them. MGM+ has the 2 part Laurel Canyon documentary which I just started watching. I’ll keep an eye open with those theories in mind.

  3. Editor says:

    “Drugs as weapons used against us”

    also watch

    Rolling Stone: The Life and Death of Brian Jones

  4. Editor says:

    The program was called MKultra (sounds like a beer brand). Yes, they imported the Nazi monsters who did the concentration camp stuff.

    Millions of Nazis did not just vanish after WW2. What happened to them?

    Go to Ukraine, the US, etc.

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