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April 19, 2015- Last year, the Tribeca subcommittee of CB1 was the venue where large angry mobs protested the planned move of a criminal court to the building next to the Odeon restaurant. People sued and blocked it because of concerns that the new foot traffic would alter the community. That is just one example of how hard it would be to get a new city or federal building to relocate in Tribeca, where most people own their apartments and have wealth.
People have a say in Tribeca.
In stark contrast, it seems that pretty much anything can be done to the apathetic renters and “owners” in Battery Park City. Because it is state property, the unaccountable BPCA can ram though any unpopular change that it wants. The BPCA will simply do it in secret and not tell the people.
That is how the NYPD was able to relocate a large division of undercover narcotics cops to 250 Vesey Street, filling up a building that Brookfield Property could not lease to any better paying clients. No one knew about this move. It was just done, and then one day the entire BPC became flooded with illegally parked unmarked police cars.
But it gets worse. Because the federal law enforcement now works so closely with the city NYPD, many of these cars that are parked for weeks without moving are actually federal cars. Today, we spotted this black sedan parked in the “No Standing” zone right in front of Leo Di Caprio’s luxury building. It was a capitol police car from DC. Also, yesterday, we spotted on South End Avenue a beat up filthy sedan with a federal placard on the dash.