BPCA board member Fernando Mateo gets in trouble at pro-A-Rod rally

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BPCA board Serpico Gallo Mateo

Update January 12, 2014- A-Rod was banned for the entire 2014 seasons for using steroids. 60 Minutes interviewed the man who supplied the drugs, allegedly, and claims that A-Rod’s entourage made death threats against him.

October 21, 2013- The Post is reporting that our controversial BPCA board member, Fernando Mateo, was hospitalized after a woman threw coffee on him during a pro-A-Rod rally, “Even better, in who else’s universe but A-Rod’s would the chief hollerer, Hispanics Across America president Fernando Mateo, get hospitalized — the result of a coffee-spilling tussle with an MLB security guard — before the guest of honor even arrived on the scene?…. Mateo is supposed to show up here on Wednesday, assuming he has healed sufficiently from SpilledCoffeegate. So there should be more theatrics, more questionable and ill-informed accusations.”

The Daily News reports, “A female security guard filed a harassment complaint against Fernando Mateo, the president of Hispanics Across America, after an altercation outside baseball’s Park Avenue headquarters Tuesday morning, a police source told the Daily News. Mateo claims the security guard threw a cup of hot coffee on his chest.”

BPCA board member Fernando Mateo draws ire of Inwood residents

Person who oversaw JP Morgan problems still on BPCA board

Did the Chairman/CEO of the BPCA investigate himself?

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