American Oligarchy of Communists Watch: 9-17-2021

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AOC Watch:

  • Fox drone photo above: More than 20,000 Haitians literally invade the US at Southern Border (Who is paying for this? People like George Soros are arranging for the travel)
  • Ted Cruz at border invasion
  • WATCH: Nicki Minaj fans protest CDC headquarters in Atlanta
  • A school board in Rockland County, New York, forces the resignation of superintendent Martin Cox, who was pushing for a critical race theory-based curriculum.
  • Retired General, 26 Other GOP Representatives Call For Military Probe Of Mark Milley For Treason
  • Nicki Minaj “This is scary…I remember going to China and they were telling us you cannot speak out against the people in power…Don’t y’all see what’s happening? Don’t y’all see that we’re living in that time?”’
  • Aussie police literally stormed a graveyard and fined mourners, sickening!

Crimes Against Humanity:

  • Early in the AIDS epidemic, FRONT-LINE HIV docs KNEW Bactrim prevented PCP. Fauci’s NIH refused to recommend until 1989, after 30K had died of PCP while pentamidine trials were being done. Anyone see a parallel between IVM & Merck’s molnupiravir in COVID?
  • HHS cuts of lifesaving monoclonal antibodies because the hurt the vaccine mandate narrative of the communist party. This is from the Florida health department:
  • On Monday, September 13, 2021, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
    (HHS) transitioned from a direct ordering process to a state/territory-coordinated
    distribution system similar to that used for the distribution of monoclonal antibodies
    (mAbs) from November 2020 to February 2021. HHS will determine the weekly amount of mAb products each state and territory receives based on COVID-19 case burden and mAb utilization. State and territorial health departments will subsequently identify which sites in their respective jurisdictions receive product as well as the amount each site receives. As of Monday, September 13, 2021: • Administration sites no longer order directly from AmerisourceBergen (ABC). • Weekly distribution amounts for each state/territory will be determined by HHS based on weekly reports of new COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations in addition to data on inventories and use submitted to the federal government. • State/Territorial Health Departments will determine where product goes in their
  • Florida Lawmakers Demand Biden Reverse Ration of Antibody Treatment

Scamdemic Watch:

  • Public health officials changing their position on natural immunity, after so much hostility toward the idea, would go a long way in rebuilding the public trust, as I explain in today’s
  • no clinical benefit from Remdesivir, yet it is licensed for COVID-19.
  • San Francisco Mayor London Breed breaks mask mandate at clubs
  • 15 to 3 FDA panel votes against approving booster shots. Greer knows. Greer always knows. The regular approval vote was rejected, as I mentioned. Then, they posted a new vote for emergency use. They voted on a new question of restricting boosters to over 65 or at high-risk “severe COVID”. The vote was 18 to 0 in favor of approval. Then, they voted to add “healthcare workers” to that list. Of note, now that the two top vaccine FDA staff have quit in protest, the man remaining at the FDA, Peter Marks, seems to be deadest on approving it to please Biden. But the opposition to boosters will certainly be able to argue against boosters in most Americans. There was zero mention of therapies to treat the virus. This panel is making the false choice of either vaccine or uncontrolled deadly epidemic. Some doctors are also clearly pandering to the Biden ammonization (e.g., Dr. Portnoy who was a flagrant cheerleader saying “I am going to go out and get my third dose tonight”) It is a joke. Regarding stocks, BNTX and MRNA spiked in July on hope that boosters would make their one-time vaccines an ongoing therapy drug. I think this is a setback today.
  • CNN, the official media of the Democrat party, just posted this article about the FDA panel. It’s surprisingly balanced and supportive of not approving boosters. CNN is critical of Joe Biden for pushing the process. Somehow Nancy Pelosi and the Democrat party of decided that boosters will be a really bad thing for the 2022 election so they are allowing the propaganda media to support the decision today.
  • Alex Berenson: “Make no mistake, this is a huge loss for the Biden administration and for Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, who was desperately pimping boosters as recently as two days ago, when he told Reuters that they were needed for everyone to stop a rise not just in infections but in “mildly to moderately symptomatic disease.” Fauci is correct that the original two-dose regimen is now failing to prevent symptomatic disease.

    And the FDA panel is correct that the data currently does not support the use of boosters in people under 65. Which raises the question – if you are under 65, not at high risk for severe Covid, and have not yet been vaccinated, why on earth would you be? Putting side effects and long-term risks aside, you now know that vaccines are likely to do little more than delay your risk of infection for a few months. What’s the point? Mandates for the working-age population make more sense than ever!

Other News:

  • Enraged Evergrande Investors Go Full Pitchfork, Hold Management Hostage In Company Offices
  • “For established financial institutions, the warning signs are flashing. So-called embedded finance – a fancy term for companies integrating software to offer financial services – means Amazon can let customers “buy now pay later” when they check out and Mercedes drivers can get their cars to pay for their fuel. To be sure, banks are still behind most of the transactions but investors and analysts say the risk for traditional lenders is that they will get pushed further away from the front end of the finance chain.”
  • AOC finds crypto a threat: Biden to target Bitcoin etc
  • Texas AG “BREAKING NEWS! Federal Judge sides with Texas. I will never stop defending life in Texas
  • Young Alex Jones before obesity and steroids
  • RIP: Everyone at @nytimes and @wapo who won the Pulitzer Prize in 2018 for running a Hillary Clinton disinformation campaign against Trump. People like @maggieNYT @adamentous @gregpmiller
  • Durham Report scam: An attorney who represented Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign was indicted on Thursday for lying to the FBI.
  • Fox interviews “American” stranded in Afghanistan: It is a farce. The woman is clearly Afghan and does not speak English. Show me one video from a real American “stranded”. The Americans there are military-industrial-complex employees helping Taliban run the army
  • The Taliban are destroying the historic Greshk Fortress in Helmand and building a religious school in its place. This is the fort where Amir Timur wounded in his leg.
  • DOD Admits Killing Up to 10, Including Up to 7 Children in Kabul Strike
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