Joe Piscopo discusses the Wuhan virus pandemic with Steven E. Greer, MD- March 23, 2020

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March 23, 2020- In this episode, I was the first to say:

  • “Told you so”: Remdesivir was approved as I predicted last week
  • Stop prioritizing ventilators. Once you are on a vent, the chances of death are high. Nobody was talking about this.
  • The governments should be prioritizing cures and drugs to obviate vents.
  • The virus was engineered by humans in a lab. Nobody was talking about this.

Click here for the transcript

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4 Responses to Joe Piscopo discusses the Wuhan virus pandemic with Steven E. Greer, MD- March 23, 2020

  1. Shelly Goldberg says:


    Dr Greer was the MOST compelling speaker on the virus. He needs to be on as much as possible. A powerful voice with lots of concrete data.. explore the drugs that potentially slow this virus down.. FOX News is beginning to focus more on this and the trial studies that are showing promising results. Dr Greer was amazing ..

  2. Dan Capriolo says:

    Good Morning Frank. Just wanted to say your guest Dr Greer really threw me through a loop. He certainly doesn’t play “follow the leader”.

    I got the feeling his comments, especially regarding Dr. Fauci, were totally unexpected. I could feel Joe’s shock through the airwaves; great radio.

    Also my work as a background actor has slowed. Most NY based prods are temporarily shut down. Take care of yourself and those you love.— Dan.

  3. James Agresti says:


    Nice to make your acquaintance.

    Great interview. I’ve heard a lot of talk radio, and I thought you and Joe were very engaging and informative.


    James D. Agresti | President | Just Facts

  4. Editor says:

    I will be on the Piscopo show Monday at 7:25 AM, on the station AM970

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