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Category Archives: Federal government
A 21st Century Titanic waiting to happen on the Hudson
February 25, 2015- The East River ferry boats have been stopped due to the ice. However, (more…)
Posted in - Op-Ed, City government, Crime, Federal government, Law, State Government
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The Broadsheet finally reports on the Sheldon Silver scandal, making no mention of arrest, only praising him
February 3, 2015- Op-Ed by Steven E. Greer BatteryPark.TV has long criticized the extreme bias of the local advertising flier called the Broadsheet (BS), (more…)
Bloomberg is vindicated: The Feds agree with him that sugary sodas should be taxed
February 20, 2015- The Post reports, “An influential nutritional panel sounded the alarm Thursday against (more…)
The Anthem hack reminds us how electronic medical record security is not ready for prime time
February 5, 2015- By Steven E. Greer, MD The large health insurance company now called Anthem, formerly known as WellPoint (more…)
Posted in - Op-Ed, - Politics, Doctors, Dentists, Federal government
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New York was too corrupt for the Democrats to host the 2016 convention
February 12, 2015- The Post reports, “Continuing corruption scandals in New York sank Mayor Bill de Blasio’s (more…)
Told you so: Sheldon Silver arrested by FBI
January 22, 2015- SHELDON SILVER HAS BEEN ARRESTED BY THE FBI, for allegedly not reporting income from law firms. (more…)
Lawsuit against Sheldon Silver ends in $500,000 settlement
Update February 6, 2015- The NYT reports that the settlement of this case will result in the state spending more than (more…)
NY Water Taxi asks CB1 permission to dock huge tour boat at Pier-A
February 3, 2015– At the December, 2014 CB1 meeting, Tom Berton, the man who operates a couple (more…)
Posted in Federal government, Law, Real estate, State Government
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Told you so. Rand Paul’s secret Looney Tune side revealed. February 2, 2015- By Steven E. Greer, MD (more…)
CB1’s Tammy Meltzer praises Sheldon Silver after his arrest
January 25, 2014- Downtown Express reports, “Tammy Meltzer, a Community Board 1 member, said (more…)
Posted in - 1 The Good News and Greer Report, Federal government, Law, State Government
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It gets worse for Sheldon Silver: Cushy no-show law firm job axed.
January 28, 2015- The woes have just begun for the once most powerful politician in the State of New York. (more…)
The FBI closes in on Sheldon Silver
December 30, 2014- The NYT reports, “Federal authorities are investigating substantial payments made to the State Assembly (more…)
Posted in Crime, Federal government, NYPD First Precinct, State Government
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Ezekiel Emanuel pens essay urging Americans to skip the annual physical exam with their doctor
Update January 12, 2015- CBS conducted a a roundtable discussion about this topic. Dr. Narula came down on the side of Dr. Emanuel, using the same misguided interpretation of meta-analysis statistics. (more…)
Posted in - Op-Ed, Doctors, Dentists, Federal government
FBI questions Gov. Christie over BridgeGate. Another Christie appointee is fired from Port Authority.
January 10, 2015- The WSJ reports that the Feds have questioned Governor Christie over his role in the closure of the George Washington Bridge (more…)
BPCA hires security to lockout Commodore Fortenbaugh from marina
Update January 3, 2014- We spoke with a supervisor of FJC Security. They are the company contracted with the BPCA to handle security around Pier-A, not the marina. (more…)
All local electeds now send letter to BPCA supporting the cancellation of marina RFP
December 29, 2014 Chair Dennis Mehiel Battery Park City Authority 200 Liberty St New York, NY 10281 Dear Chair Mehiel, We write regarding the recent resolution of Manhattan Community Board #1 (CB1) regarding the Battery Park (more…)
Legislation Introduced to Ban Drones From New York City Skies
December 18, 2014- The WSJ reports, “Drones could be banned from the New York City skies under legislation introduced (more…)
Exclusive: BatteryPark.TV confirms that Robert Serpico’s assistant filed a complaint with the federal government over sexual harassment
November 18, 2014- By Steven E. Greer, MD BatteryPark.TV previously reported that the long-time CFO of the BPCA, (more…)
Posted in Crime, Federal government, Law
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NASA launches Orion (more…)
Posted in Federal government
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Lethal force in Ferguson was unnecessary, yet few lessons seem to have been learned
November 26, 2014- By Steven E. Greer, MD There are huge problems with most police forces in this country. However, despite all of the riots this week, not a damn thing will change. (more…)
Posted in - Op-Ed, Crime, Federal government, NYPD First Precinct, State Government