Category Archives: Real estate

Pick-A-Bagel on South End Ave closes

August 20, 2016- The worst restaurant in BPC (and that is saying a lot, given that we have Picasso Pizza (more…)

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Images of the new Shake Shack in Fulton Station

August 20, 2016- As a shareholder, I checked out the new Shake Shack in Fulton Station. They serve breakfast, like the one in Grand Central. (more…)

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Saks Fifth Avenue windows going in, for September opening

August 20, 2016- Saks Fifth Avenue in Brookfield place is moving along. The windows are going in and workers (more…)

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Brookfield’s use of the marina is your worst nightmare

Update May 21, 2016- This failed exhibition race finally aired on NBC. However, the billionaire who owns Oracle pays the network to air this, as an infomercial for his hobby. There is (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, Events and Activities, Real estate | 3 Comments

Maritime building renovation now stalled

August 20, 2016- First, the Poulakakos and Dermot teams backed out. Now, no one wants to touch this money drain being bungled by Mayor de Blasio’s EDC. (more…)

Posted in City government, Real estate, State Government, Wall Street | Leave a comment

GiGi Li tries again to become a member of the Lower Manhattan cabal

Update August 9, 2016- The same Gigi Li who was pushed out of her last election is resurfacing, under the umbrella of Margaret Chin. This China coalition wants to conquer BPC.  (more…)

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The Apple store in the Oculus slated to open this week

Update August 15, 2016- Barry Hauptman took this photo. (more…)

Posted in Real estate | 3 Comments

Is it better to rent or buy?

Update August 12, 2016- The folks at Lending tree saw our story and asked us to post a link to their own calculator. (more…)

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This is what $300,000 will buy you in Ohio

August 10, 2016- by Steven E. Greer This is a great example of how land is as abundant as water in Ohio. I looked at a $329,000 (more…)

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Former jewel of NYC parks, BPC Parks are now neglected beds of weeds

Update June 19, 2016- We added some “Before” photos at the bottom. (more…)

Posted in - Politics, Crime, Real estate, State Government | 1 Comment

Those pencil-tower condos will be poorly constructed garbage

August 1, 2016- If you think that these quickly built pencil-towers will be worthy of the multi-million-dollar asking prices for (more…)

Posted in - 1 The Good News and Greer Report, City government, Law, Real estate, Wall Street | Leave a comment

WTC PATH station closes

July 14, 2016- The geniuses at the Port Authority have shut down the easy-access PATH station (more…)

Posted in Real estate | 1 Comment

BPCA flagrantly ignores FOIL, again

July 18, 2016- by Steven E. Greer Eight months ago, in December of 2015, anticipating that Brookfield would take over the public (more…)

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More beach fun under the sun

June 25, 2016- These photos were taken at Tod’s Point in Old Greenwich. (more…)

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Manhattan renters say “No way” to rent hikes and move

July 7, 2016- Count me among these, “Manhattan renters left their apartments in search of better deals last month, (more…)

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Another blasphemy to the memory of those killed on 9/11

July 13, 2016- Gothamist reports: You’ve bought the 9/11 Cheese Plate and the 9/11 ‘Darkness’ Hoodie, you’ve (more…)

Posted in - 1 The Good News and Greer Report, Real estate | Leave a comment

Poor Bill Ackman loses hundreds of millions more today

July 15, 2016- It is hard to feel sorry for an arrogant Botox-faced billionaire who did little to earn his wealth, (more…)

Posted in - 1 The Good News and Greer Report, Real estate, Wall Street | Leave a comment

Canadian conglomerate Brookfield Property makes flagrant land grab of public park space

July 8, 2016- by Steven E. Greer, MD Why did the BPCA and Brookfield Property want to stop bike riders from going past the marina (more…)

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Where once there stood a strip club….

July 8, 2016- Where once there stood a strip club, Pussycat lounge, now stands an erect pencil tower. (more…)

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New trees on Vesey Street live after all

Update July 8, 2016- I am happy to be wrong here. The locust trees have lived through the (more…)

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