Category Archives: Real estate

BP.TV gets results again: Dead trees removed from Vesey Street

Update May 14, 2016- The Greer Grove of honey locusts, planted last fall, have lived and are greening up. (more…)

Posted in Real estate, Wall Street | 2 Comments

Letter: Bad dog owners vandalize newly planted flowers, remove “no dog” signs

May 12, 2016- Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, Crime, NYPD First Precinct, Real estate | 1 Comment

Images of new Tribeca Target by Whole Foods

May 11, 2016- Target issued a press release with renderings of the new store at 255 Greenwich, (more…)

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Medhattan urgent care center by 4 WTC acquired by NYU

May 11, 2016- This urgent care center used to have an ugly sign hidden by Burger King when it (more…)

Posted in Doctors, Dentists, Real estate | Leave a comment

Few buyers for the overpriced apartments in New York City

Update May 9, 2016- Told you so. Financial Times reports, “So why aren’t agents and developers popping champagne corks over Wall Street? Analysts say the market has shifted in recent months (more…)

Posted in Real estate, Wall Street | 1 Comment

Prosecutors throw the book at infamous slumlord Steve Croman

May 9, 2016- BatteryPark.TV has reported on the political winds that have been changing in (more…)

Posted in - 1 The Good News and Greer Report, City government, Crime, NYPD First Precinct, Real estate | Leave a comment

Tribeca Trust gains power

Update May 5, 2016- The Tribeca Trust is at it again. This time, they held a City Hall presser (more…)

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The new Silverstein Family Plaza trees at 7 WTC

April 29, 2016 (more…)

Posted in Real estate | 1 Comment

It’s official: Pier-A is nothing but a huge bar.

April 1, 2016- The PR company for Poulakakos finally got back with us. The huge upstairs section (more…)

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Nobu is leaving Tribeca for historic building on Broadway in FiDi

Update April 27, 2016- I think this is the side where Nobu will be going, so this might be signs of construction. (more…)

Posted in - 1 The Good News and Greer Report, Real estate | Leave a comment

Liberty Street bridge to Liberty Park close to completion

April 21, 2016- The Liberty Street bridge that crosses the highway and will connect to the elevated (more…)

Posted in - 1 The Good News and Greer Report, Real estate | 1 Comment

AlliedBarton security winning over the public by doing functions the PEP refused to do

April 16, 2016- by Steven E. Greer As viewers know, BatteryPark.TV was instrumental in the BPCA firing the Park Enforcement Patrol (more…)

Posted in City government, Crime, NYPD First Precinct, Real estate | Leave a comment

Brooklyn is officially no longer cool because of this pencil-tower

April 20, 2016- The affordable, hip, Brooklyn-alternative to gentrified Manhattan has seen its last days. (more…)

Posted in - 1 The Good News and Greer Report, Real estate, Wall Street | Leave a comment

Tribeca nightclub Remix hosts sex parties, lawsuit alleges

April 17, 2016- Remember long-time Tribeca CB1 chairman Peter Braus? Reporting to Catherine (more…)

Posted in - 1 The Good News and Greer Report, City government, NYPD First Precinct, Real estate | Leave a comment

An explanation for why BatteryPark.TV was shut down

April 7, 2016- by Steven E. Greer Hi folks. People are wanting an explanation for why I moved and shut down BatteryPark.TV. (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, - Politics, City government, Federal government, Law, NYPD First Precinct, Real estate, State Government | 4 Comments

The new office for Offshore Sailing Class

April 5, 2016- The new Offshore Sailing office in the Mercantile Exchange building by the Irish Memorial is open. (more…)

Posted in Real estate, Schools, Sports and fitness | Leave a comment

This is how One World Trade Center receives truck deliveries

April 5, 2016- I noticed this and inquired. The green construction material is the temporary loading (more…)

Posted in Real estate, State Government | Leave a comment

Docks installed at North Cove Marina

Update April 2, 2016- It appears that this is the delivery of the docks, and not more “pile remediation”. (more…)

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Exclusive: Cafe and nail salons at 395 South End have been pushed out

Update April 2, 2016- Today was moving day. (more…)

Posted in Real estate | 3 Comments

Those same changes planned for South End Avenue are being proposed for the Financial District

March 30, 2016- Those same changes planned for South End Avenue are being proposed for the Financial District. (more…)

Posted in - 1 The Good News and Greer Report, City government, Real estate, Wall Street | Leave a comment