Category Archives: Wall Street and Real Estate Essays

Watch: The Editor of the NEJM urged the FDA to use your kids as guinea pigs with the vaccine (i.e., gene therapy)

January 5, 2022- by Steven E. Greer, MD (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, - Politics, Crime, Doctors, Dentists, Federal government, Political Essays, Sports and fitness, TechLash Essays, Wall Street, Wall Street and Real Estate Essays | Leave a comment

Ten years later: The urgent care trend.

January 31, 2024- by Steven E. Greer, MD (more…)

Posted in - History Essays, - Op-Ed, Health and lifestyle, Life Lesson Essays, Wall Street, Wall Street and Real Estate Essays | Leave a comment

Interview with Hélène Banoun about why mRNA “vaccines” should be regulated as gene therapies

July 12, 2023- by Steven E. Greer, MD (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, - Politics, Doctors, Dentists, Federal government, Health and lifestyle, Law, Political Essays, TechLash Essays, Wall Street and Real Estate Essays | Leave a comment

The United States Stock Market is RIGGED

June 24, 2023- by Steven Greer  Ever since 2021, when the “meme stocks” like AMC were exploding upward by thousands of percent, killing the hedge funds that were short, I have searched for the mechanism by which the short squeeze … Continue reading

Posted in Wall Street, Wall Street and Real Estate Essays | 1 Comment

Retired middle-class are feeling the pinch

December 19, 2023- by Steven Greer (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, - Politics, Wall Street and Real Estate Essays | Leave a comment

Conclusions from 2023 to prepare for 2024

December 26, 2023- by Steven E. Greer (more…)

Posted in - 1 The Good News and Greer Report, - History Essays, - Op-Ed, - Politics, Political Essays, TechLash Essays, Wall Street, Wall Street and Real Estate Essays | 1 Comment

Is this the best TV beat-down ever? Greer v. Cramer

October 12, 2022- by Steven E. Greer (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, Film Theater and TV, Propaganda, Hollywood, and News Essays, Wall Street and Real Estate Essays | Leave a comment

Too Big To Bail

November 21, 2023- by Steven E. Greer (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, Federal government, Political Essays, Wall Street, Wall Street and Real Estate Essays | Leave a comment

I think I was recruited by Kissinger to be a WEF “Young Global Leader”

December 19, 2022- by Steven E. Greer, MD It took me 18-years, but I just realized something. I think I was recruited by this same James Bond Spectre group behind the WEF to be one of their young leaders. (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, - Politics, Life Lesson Essays, Political Essays, Wall Street and Real Estate Essays | 1 Comment

ChatGPT artificial intelligence can replace Hollywood writers, literally

May 23, 2023- by Steven E. Greer With the Hollywood writers on strike, I had Microsoft’s Bing browser, now powered by the AI software called ChatGPT, write for me a typical bad Hollywood action plot using cliches. The result was … Continue reading

Posted in - Op-Ed, Movie Review Essays, Music and The Arts Essays, Propaganda, Hollywood, and News Essays, TechLash Essays, Wall Street, Wall Street and Real Estate Essays | Leave a comment

Hospitals made out like bandits faking COVID diagnoses and causes of death, administering vaccines, etc.

August 6, 2023- by Steven Greer, MD (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, - Politics, Federal government, Health and lifestyle, Political Essays, Wall Street, Wall Street and Real Estate Essays | Leave a comment

The Medical Advocate

Now available on Amazon. The Medical Advocate is an important book on the American healthcare system. It was 20-years in the making, (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, - Politics, Doctors, Dentists, Federal government, Life Lesson Essays, Political Essays, Reviews, Wall Street and Real Estate Essays | 1 Comment

Our Federal Tumor

May 26, 2023- by Steven E. Greer, MD (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, Federal government, Political Essays, State Government, Wall Street, Wall Street and Real Estate Essays | 1 Comment

The EV market is a bust

This is not a joke. The grid cannot handle the demand from electric cars. People are having to charge them with gasoline generators. March 11, 2022- by Steven E. Greer First, huge Tesla announced on the January Q4 call that … Continue reading

Posted in Environment and Climate Change Essays, Political Essays, TechLash Essays, Wall Street, Wall Street and Real Estate Essays | 3 Comments

Why the banks are failing

April 29, 2023- by Steven Greer With the failure of First Republic Bank on Friday, three of the four biggest bank failures ever have occurred within the last two months. I am an equities person from Wall Street and know … Continue reading

Posted in - Op-Ed, Federal government, Wall Street, Wall Street and Real Estate Essays | Leave a comment

The artificial intelligence program called ChatGPT is extremely dangerous

May 17, 2023- by Steven E. Greer (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, Crime, Law, TechLash Essays, Wall Street, Wall Street and Real Estate Essays | 1 Comment

Theories about why communism fails are all wrong

November 18, 2020- by Steven E. Greer I just had a big thought. I’m no political scientist, so maybe in certain small rare academic circles (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, - Politics, Communism and Wokeism, Federal government, History Tidbits, Political Essays, Propaganda, Hollywood, and News Essays, Wall Street and Real Estate Essays | 1 Comment

Cut off the money supply to the communist stooges

June 19, 2021- by Steven E. Greer The vast majority of Americans seem to be in the denial stage of grief. They know that our country (more…)

Posted in - 1 The Good News and Greer Report, - Op-Ed, - Politics, City government, Communism and Wokeism, Federal government, History Tidbits, Political Essays, Propaganda, Hollywood, and News Essays, State Government, TechLash Essays, Wall Street and Real Estate Essays | 1 Comment

Jeffrey Epstein personal banker, Seth Waugh, refuses to shake hands with LIV golfer and PGA Champ Brooks Koepka

May 22, 2023- by Steven E. Greer Brooks Koepka won his this PGA Championship title yesterday. I was wondering how my favorite golf bureaucrat, Seth Waugh, would handle it. The New York Post showed how ole Sethy did not shake … Continue reading

Posted in - Op-Ed, - Politics, Political Essays, Sports and fitness, Sports Essays, Wall Street, Wall Street and Real Estate Essays | Leave a comment

Progress on Nuremberg Trials 2.0

December 20, 2021- by Steven E. Greer, MD I was recently saying that the CEO’s could be charged criminally. Well, some smart Europeans beat me to it. (more…)

Posted in - 1 The Good News and Greer Report, - Op-Ed, - Politics, Federal government, Political Essays, State Government, TechLash Essays, Wall Street, Wall Street and Real Estate Essays | 32 Comments