Category Archives: Propaganda, Hollywood, and News Essays

Death Penalty for Tony Fauci if he is guilty

February 27, 2023- by Steven E. Greer This video of Fauci doing a victory lap after he revived gain-of-function testing in 2017, exploiting a clueless Trump administration, (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, - Politics, Crime, Doctors, Dentists, Environment and Climate Change Essays, Federal government, Health and lifestyle, History Tidbits, Political Essays, Propaganda, Hollywood, and News Essays, TechLash Essays | 3 Comments

The slippery slope of stifling free speech

December 10, 2023- by Steven E. Greer (more…)

Posted in - History Essays, - Op-Ed, Life Lesson Essays, Political Essays, Propaganda, Hollywood, and News Essays, TechLash Essays | Leave a comment

Federal appeals court rules that our federal government violated the First Amendment during the pandemic

Update October 3, 2023 (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, - Politics, Crime, Federal government, Law, Political Essays, Propaganda, Hollywood, and News Essays | Leave a comment

The Pilgrims, then Lincoln, created Thanksgiving based on wokeness

November 25, 2021- by Steven E. Greer I have previously summarized the history of the Pilgrims who landed on Plymouth Rock in 1620 and set up camp at an (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, - Politics, History Tidbits, Life Lesson Essays, Political Essays, Propaganda, Hollywood, and News Essays | Leave a comment

ChatGPT artificial intelligence can replace Hollywood writers, literally

May 23, 2023- by Steven E. Greer With the Hollywood writers on strike, I had Microsoft’s Bing browser, now powered by the AI software called ChatGPT, write for me a typical bad Hollywood action plot using cliches. The result was … Continue reading

Posted in - Op-Ed, Movie Review Essays, Music and The Arts Essays, Propaganda, Hollywood, and News Essays, TechLash Essays, Wall Street, Wall Street and Real Estate Essays | Leave a comment

Social media is a fraud perpetrated on the world

April 21, 2020- by Steven E. Greer I rejoined Twitter yesterday and then deleted my account after a few hours. I detest that platform. (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, Life Lesson Essays, Propaganda, Hollywood, and News Essays | Leave a comment

The conspiracy-theory-nutjobs who think the 9/11 towers were the act of planned demolition explosives

September 11, 2023- by Steven Greer (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, - Politics, City government, Crime, Federal government, History Tidbits, Life Lesson Essays, NYPD First Precinct, Political Essays, Propaganda, Hollywood, and News Essays, Wall Street, Wall Street and Real Estate Essays | 2 Comments

Tony Fauci is the Oppenheimer of our day

July 26, 2021- by Steven E. Greer Today, golfer Jon Rahm tested positive for COVID at the Olympics and will not be able to represent Spain. (more…)

Posted in - 1 The Good News and Greer Report, - Op-Ed, - Politics, Crime, Doctors, Dentists, Federal government, Political Essays, Propaganda, Hollywood, and News Essays, State Government | Leave a comment

What 100 million views of an anti-transgender film means

June 3, 2023- by Steven E. Greer, MD As I have written previously, the aggressive transgender movement is a “softening up” propaganda effort by the modern-day Fourth Reich and Chinese Communist Party. (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, - Politics, Communism and Wokeism, Doctors, Dentists, Film Theater and TV, Health and lifestyle, History Tidbits, Political Essays, Propaganda, Hollywood, and News Essays, Schools | Leave a comment

The Hollywood Communist Lifestyle Leads to Misery

October 2, 2018- by Steven E. Greer, MD I was watching Bill Maher, the social justice warrior for the Hollywood communists, when something occurred to me. (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, - Politics, Communism and Wokeism, Film Theater and TV, Life Lesson Essays, Political Essays, Propaganda, Hollywood, and News Essays | 4 Comments

Theories about why communism fails are all wrong

November 18, 2020- by Steven E. Greer I just had a big thought. I’m no political scientist, so maybe in certain small rare academic circles (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, - Politics, Communism and Wokeism, Federal government, History Tidbits, Political Essays, Propaganda, Hollywood, and News Essays, Wall Street and Real Estate Essays | 1 Comment

Cut off the money supply to the communist stooges

June 19, 2021- by Steven E. Greer The vast majority of Americans seem to be in the denial stage of grief. They know that our country (more…)

Posted in - 1 The Good News and Greer Report, - Op-Ed, - Politics, City government, Communism and Wokeism, Federal government, History Tidbits, Political Essays, Propaganda, Hollywood, and News Essays, State Government, TechLash Essays, Wall Street and Real Estate Essays | 1 Comment

Follow the money to find the Thelma & Louise of the Democrat party

December 5, 2018- by Steven E. Greer, MD The 1991 Ridley Scott film, Thelma & Louise, is best known for the ending when the two lead characters (more…)

Posted in Political Essays, Propaganda, Hollywood, and News Essays | 3 Comments

Go Woke, Go Broke: Propaganda is a money-loser

February 4, 2022- by Steven E. Greer, MD CNN head Jeff Zucker, was ousted. Not ironically, the King of Propaganda used propaganda to explain he is “resigning” rather than being fired. (more…)

Posted in - 1 The Good News and Greer Report, - Op-Ed, - Politics, Federal government, Political Essays, Propaganda, Hollywood, and News Essays | 2 Comments

The Communists are already benefiting from the loss of Tucker Carlson

May 12, 2023- by Steven E. Greer The loss of Tucker Carlson as a powerful voice is already helping the communists who took him out. (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, - Politics, Film Theater and TV, History Tidbits, Political Essays, Propaganda, Hollywood, and News Essays | Leave a comment

Twitter goes to Elon Musk in another blow to the WEF neo-communists

October 21, 2022– by Steven E. Greer Reports claim that Elon Musk’s bid to purchase of Twitter is closing next week. Obviously, this is bad news for the far-left trying to rig the elections. It is also a very useful … Continue reading

Posted in - 1 The Good News and Greer Report, - Op-Ed, - Politics, Political Essays, Propaganda, Hollywood, and News Essays, Wall Street | 1 Comment

Why Fox News fired Tucker Carlson?

April 24, 2023- by Steven E. Greer Here is my take on the Tucker Carlson firing by Fox. (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, Federal government, Film Theater and TV, Law, Political Essays, Propaganda, Hollywood, and News Essays, Wall Street, Wall Street and Real Estate Essays | Leave a comment

A solution for horrible streaming TV options

April 8, 2023- by Steven E. Greer We know that the media companies are struggling mightily with subscription losses. Most of that is due to their woke content. But I am learning that they also have horrible products. (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, Film Theater and TV, Propaganda, Hollywood, and News Essays, TechLash Essays, Wall Street, Wall Street and Real Estate Essays | 1 Comment

The WEF’s Pfizer subsidiary is panicking that the era of gene therapies is coming to an end

January 11, 2023- by Steven Greer, MD Back in November of 2021, I was the first one in media to openly state that the COVID gene therapy “vaccines” did not work. Since then, everyone with a normal brain and free … Continue reading

Posted in - Op-Ed, - Politics, Doctors, Dentists, Political Essays, Propaganda, Hollywood, and News Essays, Wall Street, Wall Street and Real Estate Essays | 1 Comment

Bobby Kennedy Jr. explains how Tony Fauci killed 300,000 AIDS patients

January 12, 2022- RFK Jr. explains how Tony Fauci killed 300,000 AIDS patients by refusing to approve cheap therapies (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, - Politics, Crime, Doctors, Dentists, Federal government, Health and lifestyle, History Tidbits, Law, Political Essays, Propaganda, Hollywood, and News Essays, Wall Street, Wall Street and Real Estate Essays | Leave a comment