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Category Archives: – Politics
Cortex Television v. New York State Dept Health (Court of Appeals for the State of New York)
February 9, 2024- by Steven E. Greer, MD (more…)
Posted in - Politics, Crime, Law, Political Essays, State Government
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Western culture of trust in commerce
March 1, 2024- by Steven E. Greer, MD (more…)
Posted in - Op-Ed, Crime, Law, Life Lesson Essays
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They are going to electronically erase us before the 2024 election
March 2nd, 2024- by Steven Greer (more…)
Posted in - Op-Ed, - Politics, Federal government, Political Essays, State Government
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How the WEF is rigging this fake stock market rally
July 29, 2022- by Steven E. Greer Wait a second. It just occurred to me. I know how this fake market rally is being manipulated. (more…)
Rogue FBI are attacking soft targets like trains and power stations
February 16, 2023- by Steven E. Greer This credible Substack article details how, out on the West Coast, Marine counter-terrorism teams caught FBI agents who were masquerading as Trump supporters planning to destroy a power grid substation. (more…)
Posted in - Op-Ed, - Politics, Crime, Federal government, Political Essays
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The Adventures of Pro Se Steve
November 14, 2023- by Steven E. Greer, MD, Paralawyer (more…)
The U.S. and Russia should merge
January 13, 2017- by Steven E. Greer, MD Here’s another big idea I have for 2017, and I bet that Vladimir Putin is already thinking about it: (more…)
Posted in - Op-Ed, - Politics, Federal government, Political Essays
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Pfizer admits in federal court that the COVID gene therapies were never approved through the FDA
January 19, 2024- by Steven E. Greer, MD (more…)
Exclusive: Why the COVID “mRNA” vaccines are actually DNA gene therapies that must be removed from the market
May 19, 2023- by Steven E. Greer, MD (more…)
Fire Tony Fauci (his vaccine is an epic failure against the virus he created)
December 8, 2021- by Steven E. Greer, MD To review recent events, over the Thanksgiving slow news holiday break, the Tony Fauci crew realize (more…)
Florida becomes the first state to recommend against getting the gene therapy “vaccines” for COVID
October 9, 2022- by Steven E. Greer, MD On October 7, 2022, Florida became the first state to issue official guidelines recommending against the use of the gene therapies to treat COVID made by Moderna and Pfizer. Florida analyzed its … Continue reading
Pfizer documents show vaccine causes high fetal death rates
February 3, 2022- by Steven E. Greer, MD (more…)
Watch: The Editor of the NEJM urged the FDA to use your kids as guinea pigs with the vaccine (i.e., gene therapy)
January 5, 2022- by Steven E. Greer, MD (more…)
Propaganda from the AMA to support the Biden vaccine mandates
January 8, 2022- by Steven E. Greer, MD As readers know well, I am very disturbed by the crimes against humanity perpetrated by MD’s in white coats. (more…)
The psy-op propaganda on display at the Super Bowl
February 12, 2024- by Steven E. Greer (more…)
The first communist-rigged Super Bowl achieves “equity”
January 30, 2023- by Steven E. Greer I am a Bengals fan and watched the AFC championship game last night by myself. Without anyone else to give me feedback, (more…)
Oral arguments in Cortex Television v. New York State Dept Health, Index No. 318612 (Sup. Ct., Albany Cnty. 2022)
October 18, 2023 (more…)
Posted in Crime, Law, State Government
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2024 in Review: January
February 1, 2024- by Steven E. Greer (more…)
Tony’s Virus
October 15, 2020- by Steven E. Greer, MD (more…)
Interview with drug trials expert Sasha Latypova on how the COVID vaccine (i.e., gene therapies) approvals were a sham
July 7, 2023- by Steven E Greer, MD (more…)